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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第286节









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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 286

286. The church knows that the Lord was conceived by Jehovah the Father and was therefore God from his conception. It also knows that he rose with his whole body, since he left nothing in the tomb. He assured his disciples of this later when he said, "See my hands and my feet-that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have" (Luke 24:39). And yet even though he was human in having flesh and bones, he entered through closed doors and vanished after he had revealed himself (John 20:19, 26; Luke 24:31).

It is different for everyone else. We rise again only in our spirits, not in our bodies, so when he said that he was not like a spirit, he was saying that he was not like anyone else.

We can see from this that even the human part of the Lord is divine.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 286

286. Christians know that the Lord was conceived from Jehovah the Father, which means he was conceived from God. We also know that he rose from death with his whole body, since nothing was left in the tomb. Afterwards, he assured his disciples of this when he said, “Look at my hands and feet, and you will see that it is I. Touch me and see. A spirit does not have bone and muscle as you can see I do” (Luke 24:39).

Even though he was a person with bone and muscle, he came into the room through closed doors, and after he let them know who he was, he disappeared (John 20:19, 26; Luke 24:31).

With people it is different. When we rise from death, we keep only our spirit, and not our physical body. So when he said that he was not like a spirit, he was saying that he was not like any other person. So you can see that the human part of the Lord is also divine.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 286

286. It is well known in the church that the Lord was conceived of Jehovah the Father, and was thus by conception God; also that He rose again in His whole body, for He left nothing in the tomb. He subsequently confirmed His disciples in this belief, saying:

Look at my hands and my feet to see that it is really I. Touch me and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see me have. Luke 24:39.

Although He was man having flesh and bones, He still passed in through closed doors, and after revealing Himself became invisible (John 20:19, 26; Luke 24:31, 36). This is not what happens to every human being, for they only rise again in the spirit, not in the body. When therefore He said that He was not like a spirit, He meant that He was not like any other human being. From this it is plain that in the Lord His humanity too was divine.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 286

286. It is known in the Church that the Lord was conceived from Jehovah the Father, and that thus from conception He was God; also, that He rose again with the whole body, for He left nothing behind in the sepulchre; on this subject also He afterwards confirmed His disciples, saying, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I Myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath, not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have" (Luke 24:39); and although He was a man in respect to flesh and bones, He still entered through closed doors; and after He had manifested Himself, He became invisible (John 20:19, 26; Luke 24:31) - different altogether from what is the case with every man; for he rises again solely as to his spirit, and not as to his body. In saying therefore, that He was not like a spirit, the Lord said that He was not like another man. From this it is evident that the Human in the Lord is also Divine.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 286

286. That the Lord was conceived from Jehovah the Father, and thus was God from conception, is known in the church; and also that He rose again with the whole body, for He left nothing in the sepulchre; of which He also afterwards confirmed the disciples, saying:

See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; feel Me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see Me have (Luke 24:39).

And although He was Man as to flesh and bones, still He entered through the closed doors, and, after He had manifested Himself, became invisible (John 20: 19, 26; Luke 24:31). The case is otherwise with every man, for man only rises again, as to the spirit, and not as to the body, wherefore when He said, that He is not as a spirit, He said that He is not as another man. Hence it is evident that the Human in the Lord is also Divine.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 286 (original Latin 1758)

286. Quod Dominus conceptus sit a Jehovah Patre, et sic a conceptione Deus, notum est in ecclesia; et quoque quod resurrexerit cum toto corpore, nam nihil reliquit in sepulcro; de quo etiam postea confirmavit discipulos, dicendo,

"Videte manus meas et pedes meos, quod Ipse Ego sim; palpate Me et videte; nam spiritus carnem et ossa non habet, sicut Me videtis habere" (Lucas 24:39);

Et tametsi fuit Homo quoad carnem et ossa, usque intravit per fores clausas, ac postquam Se manifestavit, invisibilis factus est (Johannes 20:19, 26; Lucas 24:31.) 1Secus fit omni homini, homo enim modo quoad spiritum, et non quoad corpus resurgit; quare cum dixit quod non sit sicut spiritus, dixit quod non sit sicut alius homo. Inde patet quod etiam Humanum in Domino Divinum sit.


1. 31 pro "3"

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