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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第287节







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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 287

287. We all get from our fathers the reality underlying our life that is called our soul. 1The manifestation of life from that underlying reality is what is called the body. So the body is an image of its soul, since the soul carries on its life through its body at will. That is why we are born looking like our parents and why we can tell families apart. We can see from this what the body or the human nature of the Lord was like-it was like the Divine itself that was the reality underlying his life, that is, like the soul from the Father. That is why he said, "Those who see me see the Father" (John 14:9).


1. Swedenborg returns now and then throughout his theological works to the theory that the soul of an individual comes from the father and the body from the mother, a theory that dates back at least to the time of Aristotle in the fourth century B. C. E. ( Generation of Animals 727b34-730b30 [= Aristotle 1984, 1130-1134]). (For the biological mechanics of this theory, see Secrets of Heaven vol. 2 [= Swedenborg [1749-1756] 2013], pages 568-569 note 529.) The theory is important in Swedenborg's theology because he uses it to explain how Jesus came to have a divine inner nature and yet a human outer nature. On the significance of these two natures in Jesus, see, for example, Secrets of Heaven 1444[1-2], 1460:1; New Jerusalem 201, 293, 295, 303. [JSR, SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 287

287. We all get our central being, or soul, from our father. The expression of life from our soul is our body. So our body is a mirror of our soul, since our soul carries on its life through our body at will. This is why we are born like our parents, and families can be distinguished from each other.

So you can see that the body, or human side of the Lord, was just like the divine that was the central being of his life — meaning the Soul from the Father. That is why he said, “Whoever sees me sees the Father” (John 14:9).

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 287

287. Every human being owes to his father the existence of his life, what is called his soul, and to that the manifestation of his life which is called his body. As a result the body is an effigy of the soul within and the means by which the soul can lead its life as it wishes. This is why people are born resembling their parents, and why families can be identified. From this it is plain what kind of body, or what kind of humanity, the Lord had; it must have been one resembling the real divinity to which He owed His life, that is, His soul from the Father. So He could say:

He who sees me sees the Father. John 14:9.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 287

287. Every man has from his father his Esse of life, which is called his soul; from this is the Existere of life, which is called the body. The body, therefore, is the effigy of its soul; for through it the soul acts its own life at its good pleasure. Hence it is that human beings are born into the likeness of their parents, and that families are discriminated from each other. From this it appears what kind of a body, that is, what kind of a Human the Lord had; namely, that it was like the Divine Itself, which was the Esse of His life, or the soul from the Father; wherefore He said, "He that seeth Me seeth the Father" (John 14:9).

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 287

287. Every man has his esse of life, which is called his soul, from the father; the existere of life thence derived is what is called the body; hence the body is the effigy of its soul, for the soul, by means of the body, exercises its life at will. Hence it is that men are born into the likeness of their parents, and that families are distinguished from each other. From this it is evident what was the quality of the body or Human of the Lord, namely, that it was as the Divine itself, which was the esse of His life, or the soul from the Father, wherefore He said:

He that seeth Me, seeth the Father (John 14:9).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 287 (original Latin 1758)

287. Omnis homo ex patre habet suum esse vitae, quod vocatur anima ejus; existere vitae inde est quod vocatur corpus; inde corpus est effigies suae animae, nam anima per illud agit vitam suam ex nutu. Inde est quod homines nascantur in similitudinem suorum parentum, et quod familiae internoscantur. Exinde patet quale Corpus seu quale Humanum Domino fuit, quod nempe sicut ipsum Divinum quod fuit Esse vitae Ipsius seu Anima ex Patre; quare dixit,

"Qui videt Me videt Patrem" (Johannes 14).

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