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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第32节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 32

32. There is no knowledge more relevant than knowing how our will and understanding make one mind. They make one mind the way goodness and truth form a unity. There is the same kind of marriage between will and understanding as there is between goodness and truth. You may see quite well what that marriage is like from what has already been presented concerning goodness and truth [23-24]. That is, just as goodness is the reality underlying something and truth is how that thing becomes manifest from goodness, so our will is the reality underlying our life, and our understanding is how life becomes manifest from our will. This is because the goodness that is characteristic of our will takes form in our understanding and presents itself to view [there].

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 32

32. Nothing is more worth knowing than how our motivation and understanding work together as one mind. They do this in the same way goodness and truth work together. There is the same kind of marriage between motivation and understanding as there is between goodness and truth. We can get a clear idea of what this marriage is like from what I said before about goodness and truth.

Specifically, goodness is the essential reality of a thing, and truth is its visible existence. In the same way, our motivation is our life’s essential reality, and our understanding (which comes from our motivation) is our life’s visible existence. The good impulses in our motivation give themselves form in our understanding and make themselves visible.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 32

32. There is nothing more important to know than how the will and the intellect make up a single mind. They do this just as good and truth make one; for there is a marriage between the will and the intellect like that between good and truth. The nature of that marriage can be fully established from the facts about good and truth adduced above. To be precise, just as good is the real cause of a thing's existence and truth is its consequent expression, so a person's will is the cause of his life and his intellect is its consequent expression. For the good which resides in the will develops and makes itself manifest in the intellect.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 32

32. Nothing is more important to know, than how the will and the understanding make one mind. They make one mind, even as good and truth make one; for there is a like marriage between the will and the understanding, as there is between good and truth. What the quality of this marriage is, may appear fully from what has been adduced above concerning good and truth; namely, that as good is the very Esse of a thing, and truth its Existere from that Esse, so the will with man, is the very Esse of his life, and the understanding the Existere of his life from that Esse; for the good which belongs to the will, forms and exhibits itself to the sight in the understanding.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 32

32. Nothing is more important to know than how the will and the understanding make one mind. They make one mind as good and truth make one; for there is a similar marriage between the will and the understanding as there is between good and truth. What is the quality of that marriage may fully appear from what has been quoted above, concerning good and truth, namely, as good is the very esse of a thing, and truth the existere of a thing thence derived, so the will with man is the very esse of his life, and the understanding the existere of life thence; for good, which is of the will, forms and renders itself visible in the understanding.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 32 (original Latin 1758)

32. Nihil magis interest scire quam quomodo voluntas et intellectus unam mentem faciunt. Faciunt unam mentem sicut bonum et verum faciunt unum; est enim simile conjugium inter voluntatem et intellectum quale est inter bonum et verum: quale id conjugium est, constare plene potest ex illis quae de bono et vero supra allata sunt; quod nempe sicut bonum est ipsum esse rei, ac verum est existere rei inde, ita voluntas apud hominem est ipsum esse vitae ejus, ac intellectus existere vitae inde, nam bonum quod est voluntatis se in intellectu format et sistit videndum.

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