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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第34节

















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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 34

34. From Secrets of Heaven

Things that are true on a spiritual level cannot be grasped without knowledge of the following universal principles.

1. In order to be anything at all, each thing in the universe must go back to goodness and truth and their partnership, and therefore to love and faith and their partnership.

2. We humans have will and understanding, the will being the part of us that is receptive to goodness and the understanding being the part that is receptive to truth. Everything in us goes back to these two and their partnership, just as everything [in general] goes back to goodness and truth and their partnership.

3. There is an inner self and an outer self, as distinct from each other as heaven and earth, and yet these two need to become one if we are to be truly human.

4. Heaven's light is the light that surrounds the inner self, and this world's light is the light that surrounds the outer self. Heaven's light is divine truth itself, which is the source of all intelligence.

5. There is a correspondence between what is in the inner self and what is in the outer, which means that what is in each comes out in a different guise in the other-so different that we cannot sort them out unless we know how this correspondence operates.

Unless we are aware of all this and a great deal more, the only concepts of things spiritual and heavenly we can grasp and form are incoherent. This means that the facts and experiences of the outer self, divorced from these universal principles, cannot be useful to our rational functioning for learning and growth.

We can see, then, how necessary information is. There are treatments of these universal principles in many places in Secrets of Heaven.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 34

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 34

34. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 34


SPIRITUAL truths cannot be grasped, unless the following UNIVERSALS be known: I. Everything in the universe, in order to be anything, has relation to good and truth, and their conjunction; and, consequently, to love and faith, and their conjunction. II. With man there is will and understanding and the will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding the receptacle of truth, and everything with him has relation to these two things and their conjunction, even as everything relates to good and truth and their conjunction. III. There is an internal and in external man, and they are distinct from each other like heaven and the world, and yet they ought to make one, that man may be truly man. IV. There is a light of heaven in which the internal man is, and a light of the world in which the external man is; and the light of heaven is the very Divine Truth, from which comes all intelligence. V. There is a correspondence between the things which are in the internal man and those which are in the external man; and thus they appear on either side under a different form, so that, they cannot be discerned except by the science of correspondences. Unless these and many other things are known, only incongruous ideas can be received and formed concerning spiritual and celestial things; wherefore, apart from the above universals, the scientifics and knowledges belonging to the external man, can be only of small assistance to the rational man for all increase of his understanding. From this it appears how necessary scientifics are. Much has been said in the Heavenly Arcana concerning these universals.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 34


Spiritual truths cannot be comprehended, unless the following universals are known:

I. All things in the universe have relation to good and truth, and to the conjunction of both, in order that they may be anything; consequently to love and faith, and their conjunction.

II. With man there is will and understanding, and the will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding the receptacle of truth, and all things with man have relation to those two, and to their conjunction, as all things relate to good and truth, and their conjunction.

III. There is an internal man and an external, and they are distinct one from the other like heaven and the world, and nevertheless that they ought to make one, in order that man may be truly man.

IV. The light of heaven is that in which the internal man is, and the light of the world that in which the external is; and the light of heaven is the Divine truth itself, from which is all intelligence.

V. There is a correspondence between the things which are in the internal, and those which are in the external man; and consequently they appear in each under a different form, so that they can only be discerned by the science of correspondences.

Unless these and many other things are known, it is impossible to form any ideas concerning spiritual and celestial things, but such as are incongruous; and thus the scientifics and knowledges, which are of the external man, without these universals, can be of little service to the rational man for understanding and growth. Hence it appears, how necessary scientifics are. Concerning those universals, much is said in the Arcana Coelestia.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 34 (original Latin 1758)


Quod vera spiritualia non comprehendi possint nisi sequentia haec Universalia sciantur: -

(i.) Quod omnia in universo se referant ad bonum et verum, et ad conjunctionem utriusque, ut sint aliquid; ita ad amorem et fidem, et eorum conjunctionem.

(ii.) Quod apud hominem sit voluntas et intellectus et quod voluntas sit receptaculum boni, ac intellectus receptaculum veri et quod omnia ad bina illa apud hominem se referant, et ad conjunctionem illorum, sicut omnia ad bonum et verum ac eorum conjunctionem.

(iii.) Quod homo internus sit et externus, et quod illi inter se distincti sint sicut caelum et mundus, et tamen quod unum debeant facere, ut homo sit vere homo.

(iv.) Quod lux caeli sit in qua internus homo est, et lux mundi in qua externus; et quod lux caeli sit ipsum Divinum Verum ex quo omnis intelligentia.

(v.) Quod inter illa quae in interno et quae in externo homine sunt, sit correspondentia; et quod inde utrobivis sub alia specie appareant, usque adeo ut non dignoscantur nisi per scientiam correspondentiarum.

Nisi haec et plura alia sciuntur, non possunt ideae de spiritualibus et caelestibus nisi incongruae capi et formari; et sic scientifica et cognitiones, quae externi hominis, absque universalibus illis, parum possunt inservire rationali homini ad intellectum et incrementum. Inde patet quam necessaria sunt scientifica.

De illis universalibus in Arcanis Caelestibus pluries actum est.

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