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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第35节













35、人有两种能力,一种被称为意志,另一种被称为认知 (3564135393623596910122)。那两种能力组成人本身(1007610109101101026410284)。人的特性是依据他那两种能力而来(7342888592821026410284)。通过它们,人和野兽也能被区分开,因为人的认知可以被主提升,看见神性真理,以相同的方式,他的意志可以被主提升,感知神性良善。因此,通过形成他的那两种能力,人可以与主联合。但是野兽的情况不同(45255114530263239231)。由于人可以这样与主联合,因而他的内层即他的灵魂不会死,而是会活到永远(5302)。从人的外表看,人不是一个人,但从良善和真理看,也就是从他的意志的良善和认知的真理看,人才是一个人(40515302)。




人死后还仍然保持他的意志和认知(90699071938610153)。属于他的认知,但不同时属于意志的则会消失,因为它们不在人的灵魂里(9282)。或者,与此类似,人死后仍然像是他的爱和从其而来的信仰那样,或者像是他的良善和从其而来的真理那样。信仰的事物,但同时不是爱的事物;或者真理的事物,但同时不是良善的事物,会消失,因为它们不在人里面,因此不属于人的 (553236310153)。人有能力运用认知理解他的意志不愿做的事情,或者他可以理解他不愿意做的事情,因为它与他的爱相背(3539)。

意志和认知组成一个心灵(353623583510122)。生命的那两种能力应该行动一致,从而人可以是人(3623583559699300)。9075节讲述了当人的认知和意志不一致时,他们的状态如何堕落 (9075)。诸如伪善者、欺骗者、奉承者和假装者的状态(译者注:思想和行动不一致)(2426357347998250).在来世,意志和认知被归为一致,那里不允许有不一致的心灵(8250)。

教会的每种教义都有它自己的概念,通过这些概念,教义的特性得以认识(3310)。教义的认知依据那些概念,没有理性的概念,人只能得到文字概念,其中什么都没有 (3825) 认知的概念把自己广泛地扩展至周围的精灵和天使社团 (65996600-660566096613)。在来世,人所认知的概念被打开,作为他们的特性在生活中被有形有象(另一版本visibly)的展现(186933105510)。下面两节揭示了一些观点的特性看上去是什么 (62008885)。

一切良善的意志和真理的认知来自主,但是如果真理的认知与良善的意志是分开的,它们就不是来自主(183135145482564960278685870110153)。主教导的是认知 (6222660810659)。主允许那些被教导的人看见和理解真理 (938210659)。根据人的生命状态,对认知的教导是多样的(522170127233)。只要人的意志接受真理,认知就被教导,也就是说,只要他愿意按照它那样去行动(3619)。出于对真理的爱和对生命用处的爱而阅读圣言,他们的认知得到教导,但是出于对名声、荣誉和利益的爱而阅读圣言,不会这样(9382105481054910551)。教导是心灵真实地被提升到天堂的光中(10330)。下面两节讲述了个人的经验 (15266608)。

天堂的光能启发认知,如同人间之光可以激发视觉(1524511466089128)。天堂的光是神性真理,一切智慧和智力从其而来 (3195322254008644939995489684)。被那光启发的是人的认知(1524313831674408660887079128939910569)。认知的特性依赖于来自良善的真理的特性,这些真理构成认知 (10064)。认知是由良善的真理构成的,而不是由邪恶的谬误构成(10675)。认知存在于基于经验和信息看到的事物的真相、原因、它们的相互关系、以及如何彼此追随 (6125)。认知的能力是在证实以前就认出所见事物是否为真,但是认知不能证实任何事物(474170127680795085218780)。

当人没有对真理的预先见解时,认定的光就是自然的光,不够智慧的人也可具有此等能力(8780)。那些为了真理而爱真理的人,即处在属灵之光中的人,在认定之前,就能领会和理解一个事物是否是对的 (8780)。任何教义,即使是错误的,也有可能被认定得看上去像是真理(2243238546774741503368657950)。

以下章节讲人的理性是如何被构造和产生的(20942524255730305126)。它是从主而来的天堂之光灵流,流经人的内在后进入人外在属世的科学知识中,从而使人提升(189518991902)。通过真理,而不是谬误,理性得以产生。因而,真理的品质决定了我们理性的品质(209425242557)。通过来自良善的真理,理性被打开和成形,通过来自邪恶的谬误,真理被关闭和破坏(31085126)。处在来自邪恶的谬误之中,人是不理性的。因而,有能力辩论事物的彼此是非并不能证明此人是理性的 (1944)。



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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 35

35. We have two abilities, one called will and the other called understanding: 35, 641, 3539, 3623, 10122. It is these two abilities that make us truly human: 10076, 10109, 10110, 10264, 10284. Our nature depends on the nature of these two abilities of ours: 7342, 8885, 9282, 10264, 10284. These two abilities are also what distinguishes us from animals, because our understanding can be lifted up by the Lord and see divine truths, and our will, too, can be lifted up and perceive divine goodness. And so our partnership with the Lord is made possible by these two abilities that make us who we are-which is not the case with animals: 4525, 5302, 5114, 6323, 9231. And since we can form a partnership with the Lord in this way, we cannot die with respect to our deeper levels-the levels that constitute our spirit; rather, we live to eternity: 5302. We are human not because of our shape but because of what is good and what is true, which are matters of our will and understanding: 4051, 5302.

[2] Just as everything in the universe goes back to goodness and truth, so everything in us goes back to our will and our understanding (803, 10122), because our will is the part of us that receives goodness and our understanding is the part of us that receives truth (3332, 3623, 5835, 6065, 6125, 7503, 9300, 9930). Whether you say "truth" or "faith" it amounts to the same thing, because faith and truth are mutually dependent; and whether you say "goodness" or "love" it amounts to the same thing, because love and goodness are mutually dependent; whatever we believe we call true, and whatever we love we call good: 4997, 7178, 10122, 10367. It therefore follows that our understanding is the part of us that can have faith and our will is the part of us that can have love, and that faith and love are in us when they are in our will and understanding because there and nowhere else is where our life is: 7178, 10122, 10367. And since our understanding can accept faith in the Lord and our will can accept love for the Lord, we are capable of being joined to the Lord by faith and love; and anyone who can be joined to the Lord by faith and love cannot die to all eternity: 4525, 6323, 9231. In the spiritual world, love is a joining together: 1594, 2057, 3939, 4018, 5807, 6195, 6196, 7081-7086, 7501, 10130.

[3] Our will is the true underlying reality of our life because it is the part of us that receives what is good, while our understanding is the consequent manifestation of our life because it is the part of us that receives what is true: 3619, 5002, 9282. So the life of our will is our primary life, and the life of our understanding emerges from it (585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109, 10110) the way light comes from fire or a flame (6032, 6314). Whatever enters our understanding and our will together becomes part of us, but what enters only our understanding does not: 9009, 9069, 9071, 9182, 9386, 9393, 10076, 10109, 10110. Whatever is accepted by our will becomes part of our life: [ 3161, 9386, 9393. It follows then that we are human because of our will] 1and our consequent understanding: 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109, 10110. We are all loved and valued by others according to how good our will is and only secondarily how good our understanding is. We are loved and valued if both our intentions and our understanding are good; we are rejected and considered worthless if our understanding is good but our intentions are not: 8911, 10076. Even after death we retain the nature of our will and our consequent understanding: 9069, 9386, 10153. Those things that are in our understanding but not in our will then vanish because they are not in our spirit: 9282. Or to put it another way, after death we retain the nature of our love and the faith that comes from that love-the nature of our goodness and the truth that comes from that goodness-and then anything that is a matter of our faith but not of our love (or of truth in us but not of goodness) vanishes because it is not within us and therefore does not belong to us: 553, 2364, 10153. We are capable of grasping intellectually things that we would not do willingly; that is, we can understand things that run counter to our love and we have no will to do: 3539.

[4] Will and understanding together make one mind: 35, 3623, 5835, 10122. These two life abilities need to act as one if we are to be truly human: 3623, 5835, 5969, 9300. How distorted our state is when our understanding and our will are not acting as one: 9075. This is the kind of state we find among hypocrites, con artists, flatterers, and imposters: 3527, 3573, 4799, 8250. In the other life our will and our understanding are brought back into unison, and we are not allowed to have a divided mind there: 8250.

[5] Every religious teaching [that we have in our minds] is dependent on concepts [we have gained before]; it is possible [for others in the spiritual world] to perceive how we hold that teaching from seeing the nature of the concepts [that go with it in our minds]: 5510. These concepts of ours determine how we understand a given teaching; without some concept that makes it understandable, the teaching is held in our minds in the form of words alone without substance: 3825. The thoughts in the mind reach out widely all around to communities of spirits and angels: 6599, 6600-6605, 6609, 6613. In the other life the concepts of our understanding are laid open so that their nature is vividly clear: 1869, 3310, 5510. What some people's concepts look like: 6201, 8885.

[6] Every act of will to do what is good and every consequent understanding of what is true comes from the Lord, but this is not the case for an understanding of what is true divorced from any act of will to do what is good: 1831, 3514, 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153. Our understanding is what is enlightened by the Lord: 6222, 6608, 10659. When we are receptive to enlightenment the Lord makes us able to see and understand what is true: 9382, 10659. The enlightenment of our understanding varies depending on the state of our life: 5221, 7012, 7233. Our understanding is enlightened to the extent that our will accepts truth-that is, to the extent that we will ourselves to act in accord with it: 3619. Our understanding is enlightened if we read the Word out of a love of truth and a love for living a useful life, but not if we read out of a love for our own reputation, status, or profit: 9382, 10548, 10549, 10550. Enlightenment is effectively a raising of the mind into heaven's light (10330); see also 1526, 6608, which include evidence from personal experience. Light from heaven gives enlightenment to our understanding just the way light from this world does to our eyesight: 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128. The light of heaven is divine truth, which is the source of all intelligence and wisdom: 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684. It is our understanding that is enlightened by this light: 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569.

[7] The nature of our understanding depends on the nature of the love-based truths from which it is formed: 10064. Understanding results from truths that arise from living a good life, not from falsities that arise from living an evil life: 10675. Understanding is seeing, on the basis of our experience and information, things that are true, the causes of events, their connections, and how they follow from each other: 6125. The faculty of understanding is seeing and perceiving that something is true before we convince ourselves of it; it is not the ability to prove anything we choose: 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521, 8780. When the light that comes from corroboration strikes someone with no preexisting ability to perceive truth, it becomes an earthly light, available even to people who are not wise: 8780. Seeing and perceiving whether something is true before considering it proven is possible for us only when we love truth for its own sake-that is, when we are in spiritual light: 8521. Any dogma, even a false one, can be supported in such a way that it seems to be true: 2385, 2477, 5033, 6865, 7950.

[8] How rationality is conceived and born in us: 2093, 2524, 2557, 3030, 5126. It comes from an inflow of heaven's light from the Lord through our inner self into the spiritual and worldly knowledge in our outer self, lifting us up as a result: 1895, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Our rationality is born by means of truths and not by means of falsities, so the nature of the truths determines the nature of our rationality: 2093, 2524, 2557. Our rationality is opened and given form by truths that arise from living a good life; it is closed and destroyed by falsities that arise from living an evil life: 3108, 5126. If we are full of false thoughts from evil intent we are not rational; our being able to argue that this or that is true does not mean we are rational: 1944.

[9] It is hard for us to know the difference between our understanding and our will because it is hard for us to know the difference between thinking and willing: 9995.

[10] You can learn more and draw more conclusions about will and understanding from what was cited just above on goodness and truth [11-27]: just take goodness to refer to will and truth to refer to understanding, since goodness resides in the will and truth resides in the understanding.


1. It appears that when material in Last Judgment 39[16]was copied to this passage in New Jerusalem, there was an inadvertent omission of an entire line by an error known as haplography, in which the copyist's eye skips from a word in one place to the same or a similar word in another. The missing material has been reintroduced here in brackets. [JSR]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 35

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 35

35. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 35

35. A man has two faculties, of which one is called the will, and the other the understanding, Arcana Coelestia 35, 641, 3539, 3623, 10122. Those two faculties constitute the man himself, Arcana Coelestia 10076, 10109, 10110, 10264, 10284. A man is such as are those two faculties with him, Arcana Coelestia 7342, 8885, 9282, 10264, 10284. Through them also the man is distinguished from the beasts, because his understanding may be elevated by the Lord so as to see Divine truths; and in like manner his will, so as to perceive Divine goods; the man thus differently from the animals, may be conjoined with the Lord through those two faculties which constitute him, Arcana Coelestia 4525, 5114, 5302, 6323, 9231. And inasmuch as the man may thus be conjoined with the Lord, he cannot die as to his interiors, which belong to his spirit, but he lives for ever, Arcana Coelestia 5302. Man is not man from his form, but from the good and truth which belong to his will and understanding, Arcana Coelestia 4051, 5302.

As everything in the universe has relation to good and truth, so with man everything has relation to the will and the understanding, Arcana Coelestia 803, 10122. For the will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding of truth, Arcana Coelestia 3332, 3623, 5232, 6065, 6125, 7503, 9300, 9930. It is the same, whether you say truth or faith; for faith belongs to truth, and truth to faith; it also amounts to the same whether you say good or love; for love belongs to good, and good to love; and what a man believes, that he calls true, and what he loves, that he calls good, Arcana Coelestia 4353, 4997, 7178, 10122, 10367. From this it follows, that the understanding is the recipient of faith, and the will the recipient of love; and that faith and love are in man, when they are in his understanding and in his will, for man's life is nowhere else, Arcana Coelestia 7178, 10122, 10367. Since a man's understanding is capable of receiving faith in the Lord, and his will of receiving love to the Lord, therefore, by faith and love he may be conjoined with the Lord, and whoever can be conjoined with the Lord by faith and love, cannot die to eternity, Arcana Coelestia 4525, 6323, 9231. Love in the spiritual world means conjunction, Arcana Coelestia 1594, 2057, 3939, 4018, 5807, 6195, 6196, 7081-7086, 7501, 10130.

Man's will is the very Esse of his life, because it is the receptacle of good, and his understanding is the Existere of life therefrom, because it is the receptacle of truth, Arcana Coelestia 3619, 5002, 9282. The life of the will, consequently, is the chief life of man, and the life of the understanding proceeds therefrom, Arcana Coelestia 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109, 10110; comparatively as light proceeds from a fire or flame, Arcana Coelestia 6032, 6314. The things which enter into the understanding and at the same time into the will, are appropriated by man, but not those which are received only in the understanding, Arcana Coelestia 9009, 9069, 9071, 9129, 9182, 9386, 9393, 10076, 10109, 10110. Those things become matters of man's life, which are received by the will, and from it by the understanding, Arcana Coelestia 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109, 10110. Every man also is loved and esteemed by others according to the good of his will, and of his understanding therefrom; for he who is well-willing, and who understands correctly, is loved and esteemed, and he who understands correctly and is not well-willing, is cast off and despised, Arcana Coelestia 8911, 10076. A man after death also remains such as is his will and his understanding from it, Arcana Coelestia 9069, 9071, 9386, 10153; the things belonging to the understanding, and not at the same time to the will, vanish then, because they are not in the man's spirit, Arcana Coelestia 9282; or, what is the same, a man after death remains such as is his love, and the faith from it, or such as is his good and the truth from it; and the things which belong to faith and not at the same time to love, or the things which are of truth and not at the same time of good, vanish, because they are not in the man, and, therefore, not of the man, Arcana Coelestia 553, 2363, 10153. A man is capable of comprehending with the understanding what he does not practise from the will, that is, he is able to understand what he does not will, because it is in opposition to his love, Arcana Coelestia 3539.

The will and the understanding constitute one mind, Arcana Coelestia 35, 3623, 5835, 10122. These two faculties of life ought to act as one, in order that man may be man, Arcana Coelestia 3623, 5835, 5969, 9300. How perverted is the state with those whose understanding and will do not act as one, Arcana Coelestia 9075. Such a state prevails with hypocrites, deceivers, flatterers, and dissemblers, Arcana Coelestia 2426, 3573, 4327, 4799, 8250. The will and the understanding are brought again into one in the other life, and it is not allowed there to have a divided mind, Arcana Coelestia 8250.

Every doctrinal of the Church brings with itself ideas, through which its quality is perceived, Arcana Coelestia 3310. According to these is its comprehension; and without such an intellectual idea with a man, he would merely have an idea of a word, and none of a thing, Arcana Coelestia 3825. The ideas of the understanding extend far around into the societies of spirits and angels, Arcana Coelestia 6599, 6600-6605, 6609, 6613. The ideas of man's understanding are opened in the other life, and are exhibited visibly to the life, as to their quality, Arcana Coelestia 1869, 3310, 5510. Of what quality the ideas of some appear, Arcana Coelestia 6201, 8885.

All will of good, and all understanding of truth is from the Lord; but not so the understanding of truth separated from the will of good, Arcana Coelestia 1831, 3514, 5483, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153. It is the understanding which is enlightened by the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 6222, 6608, 10659. To those who are enlightened the Lord grants to see and to understand truth, Arcana Coelestia 9382, 10659. The enlightenment of the understanding is various, according to the states of a man's life, Arcana Coelestia 5221, 7012, 7233. The understanding is enlightened in proportion as a man receives the truth with the will, that is, as he wills to act according to it, Arcana Coelestia 3619. Those have their understanding enlightened who read the Word from the love of truth, and from the love of the uses of life, but not those who read it from the love of reputation, honour, gain, Arcana Coelestia 9382, 10548, 10549, 10551. Enlightenment is an actual elevation of the mind into the light of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 10330; from experience, Arcana Coelestia 1526, 6608. Enlightenment for the understanding is light from heaven, as light from the world is for the sight, Arcana Coelestia 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128. The light of heaven is Divine Truth, from which comes all wisdom and intelligence, Arcana Coelestia 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684. It is the man's understanding which is enlightened by that light, Arcana Coelestia 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569.

The understanding is of such a quality as are the truths from good, of which it is formed, Arcana Coelestia 10064. Understanding is what is from the truths which are from good, but not what is from the falsities which are from evil, Arcana Coelestia 10675. Understanding is to see truths, the causes of things, their connections, and consequences in a series, from the things which belong to experience and science Arcana Coelestia 6125. Seeing and perceiving whether a thing is true, before confirming it, is understanding, but not, being able to confirm anything whatever, Arcana Coelestia 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521, 8780. The light of confirmation, without any previous perception of the truth, is natural light, which exists also with those who are not wise, Arcana Coelestia 8780. Seeing and perceiving whether a thing is true before confirming it, has place only with those who are affected with truth for the sake of truth, consequently with those who are in spiritual light, Arcana Coelestia 8780. All doctrinal tenets, even those that are false, may be confirmed to such a degree as to appear as true, Arcana Coelestia 2385, 2490, 4741, 5033, 6865, 7950. 1

How the Rational with a man is conceived and born, Arcana Coelestia 2094, 2524, 2557, 3030, 5126. It exists from the influx of the light of heaven from the Lord through the internal man into the knowledges and sciences, which are in the external man, and an elevation by this means, Arcana Coelestia 1890, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. The Rational is born through truths, and not through falsities; according to the quality of the truths, therefore, such is the Rational, Arcana Coelestia 2094, 2524, 2557. Through truths from good, the Rational is opened and formed, and it is closed and destroyed through falsities from evil, Arcana Coelestia 3108, 5126. A man who is in falsities from evil is not rational; a man, consequently, is not rational on account of his being able to reason upon any subject, Arcana Coelestia 1944.

It is difficult for a man to distinguish between the understanding and the will, because it is difficult for him to distinguish between thinking and willing, Arcana Coelestia 9995.

Many additional particulars concerning the will and the understanding may be known and inferred from what has been adduced above concerning Good and Truth, if only instead of Good you will perceive the will, and instead of Truth the understanding; for the will belongs to good, and the understanding to truth.


1. 4741 was listed here like this [4741] in the printed version.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 35

35. Man has two faculties, one which is called the will, and the other the understanding (n. 35, 641, 35 3539, 3623, 5969, 10122). Those two faculties constitute the very man (n. 10076, 1 0109, 10110, 10264, 10284). The quality of man is according to those two faculties with him (n. 7342, 8885, 9282, 10264, 10284). By them also man is distinguished from beasts, by reason that the understanding of man may be elevated by the Lord, and see Divine truths, and in like manner his will may be elevated and perceive Divine goods; and thus man may be conjoined to the Lord by those two faculties, which make him; but that the case is otherwise with beasts (n. 4525, 5114, 5302, 6323, 9231). And since man may thus be conjoined to the Lord, he cannot die as to his interiors, which are his spirit, but he lives forever (n. 5302). Man is not man from his form, but from good and truth, which are of his will and understanding (n. 4051, 5302).

As all things in the universe relate to good and truth, so do all things in man to the will and the understanding (n. 803, 10122). For the will is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the receptacle of truth (n. 3332, 3623, 5835, 6065, 6125, 7503, 9300, 9930). It amounts to the same, whether you say truth or faith, for faith is of truth, and truth is of faith; and it amounts to the same whether you say good or love, for love is of good, and good is of love; for what a man believes, that he calls true; and what he loves, that he calls good (n. 4353, 4997, 7178, 10122, 10367). Hence it follows that the understanding is the recipient of faith, and the will the recipient of love; and that faith and love are in man, when they are in his understanding and will, for the life of man is nowhere else (n. 7179, 10122, 10367). And since the understanding of man is capable of receiving faith in the Lord, and the will of receiving love to the Lord, that by faith and love he may be conjoined to the Lord, and whoever is capable of conjunction with the Lord by faith and love, cannot die to eternity (n. 4525, 6323, 9231). Love is conjunction in the spiritual world (n. 1594, 2057, 3939, 4018, 5807, 6195, 6196, 7081, 7086, 7501, 10130).

The will of man is the very esse of his life, because it is the receptacle of good, and the understanding is the existere of life thence derived, because it is the receptacle of truth (n. 3619, 5002, 9282). Thus the life of the will is the principal life of man, and the life of the understanding proceeds therefrom (n. 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 1 0109, 10110); comparatively as light proceeds from fire or flame (n. 6032, 6314). Whatever things enter into the understanding, and at the same time into the will, are appropriated to man, but not those which are received in the understanding alone (n. 9009, 9069, 9071, 9133, 9182, 9386, 9393, 10076, 10109, 10110).

Those things become of the life of man, which are received in the will, and thence in the understanding (n. 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109, 10110). Every man also is loved and esteemed by others according to the good of his will and thence of his understanding; for he who wills well and understands well is loved and esteemed, and he who understands well and does not will well, is rejected and is held in low estimation (n. 8911, 10076).

Man also after death remains such as his will and the understanding are (n. 9069, 9071, 9386, 10153) and those things which are of the understanding, and not at the same time of the will, then vanish, because they are not in man's spirit (n. 9282). Or, what amounts to the same, man after death remains as his love and its faith are, or as his good and its truth are; and the things which are of the faith and not at the same time of the love, or the things which are of truth and not at the same time of good, vanish, because they are not in the man, thus not man's (n. 553, 2363, 10153). Man is capable of comprehending with the understanding what he does not do from the will, or he may understand what he does not will, because it is against his love (n. 3539).

The will and the understanding constitute one mind (n. 35, 3623, 5835, 10122). Those two faculties of life ought to act as one, that man may be man (n. 3623, 5835, 5969, 9300). How perverted a state they are in, whose understanding and will do not act as one (n. 9075). Such is the state of hypocrites, the deceitful, flatterers, and simulators (n. 2426, 3573, 4799, 8250). The will and the understanding are reduced to one in another life, and there it is not allowable to have a divided mind (n. 8250).

Every doctrinal of the church has its own ideas by which its quality is perceived (n. 3310). The understanding of the doctrinal is according to those ideas, and without an intellectual idea, man would only have an idea of words, and none of things (n. 3825). The ideas of the understanding extend themselves widely into the societies of spirits and angels round about (n. 6599, 6600-6605, 6609, 6613). The ideas of man's understanding are opened in another life, and appear to the life as to their quality (n. 1869, 3310, 5510). Of what quality the ideas of some appear (n. 6200, 8885).

All the will of good and the understanding of truth is from the Lord, but not so the understanding of truth separate from the will of good (n. 1831, 3514, 5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153). It is the understanding which is enlightened by the Lord (n. 6222, 6608, 10659). The Lord grants to those who are enlightened, to see and understand truth (n. 9382, 10659). The enlightening of the understanding is various, according to the states of man's life (n. 5221, 7012, 7233). The understanding is enlightened as far as man receives truth in the will, that is, as far as he wills to act according thereto (n. 3619). They have their understanding enlightened who read the Word from the love of truth and from the love of the uses of life; but not they who read it from the love of fame, honor, and gain (n. 9382, 10548, 10549, 10551). Enlightenment is an actual elevation of the mind into the light of heaven (n. 10330); from experience (n. 1526, 6608).

Light from heaven is the enlightenment of the understanding, as light from the world is to the sight (n. 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128). The light of heaven is the Divine truth, from which is all wisdom and intelligence (n. 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684). It is the understanding of man which is enlightened by that light (n. 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569).

The understanding is such as are the truths from good, of which it is formed (n. 10064). The understanding is that which is formed by truths from good, but not what is formed by falsities from evil (n. 10675). The understanding consists in seeing truths, the causes of things, their connections, and consequences in regular order, from those things which are of experience and science (n. 6125). The understanding consists in seeing and perceiving whether a thing be true, before it is confirmed, but not in being able to confirm everything (n. 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521,8780).

The light of confirmation without a previous perception of truth, is natural light, and may be possessed even by those who are not wise (n. 8780). To see and perceive whether a thing be true before it is confirmed, is only given with those who are affected with truth for the sake of truth, consequently who are in spiritual light (n. 8780). Every dogma even what is false, may be confirmed, even so as to appear true (n. 2243, 2385, 4677, 4741, 5033, 6865, 7950).

How the rational is conceived and born with man (n. 2094, 2524, 2557, 3030, 5126). It is from the influx of the light of heaven from the Lord through the internal man into the knowledges and sciences, which are in the external, and an elevation thence (n. 1895, 1899, 1902). The rational is born by truths, and not by falsities; consequently according to the quality of the truths, such is the rational (n. 2094, 2524, 2557). The rational is opened and formed by truths from good, and it is shut and destroyed by falsities from evil (n. 3108, 5126). A man is not rational who is in falsities from evil; and consequently a man is not rational from being able to reason upon every subject (n. 1944).

Man scarcely knows how to distinguish between the understanding and the will, because he scarcely knows how to distinguish between thinking and willing (n. 9995).

Many more things concerning the will and the understanding may be known and concluded from what has been just adduced concerning good and truth, provided the will be perceived instead of good, and the understanding instead of truth, for the will is of good, and the understanding is of truth.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 35 (original Latin 1758)

35. Quod binae facultates homini sint, una quae vocatur voluntas, et altera quae intellectus (Arcana Coelestia 35, 641, 3623, 3939 (3539, 5969, 10122)).

Quod binae illae facultates faciant ipsum hominem (Arcana Coelestia 10076, 10109, 10110, 10264, 10284).

Quod homo talis sit, quales binae illae facultates apud illum sunt (Arcana Coelestia 7342, 8885, 9282, 10264, 10284).

Quod per illas etiam homo distinguatur a bestiis, ex causa quia intellectus hominis elevari potest a Domino et videre vera Divina, pariter voluntas et percipere bona Divina, et sic homo conjungi Domino per binas suas facultates quae faciunt illum; secus autem bestiae (Arcana Coelestia 4525, 5114, 5302, 6323, 9231).

Et quia homo sic conjungi potest Domino, quod non mori possit quoad interiora sua quae ejus spiritus sunt, sed quod vivat in aeternum (Arcana Coelestia 5302).

Quod homo non sit homo ex forma, sed ex bono et vero, quae sunt ejus voluntatis et intellectus (Arcana Coelestia 4051, 5302).

Quod sicut omnia in universo se referunt ad bonum et verum, ita apud hominem ad voluntatem et intellectum (Arcana Coelestia 803, 10122).

Quia voluntas est receptaculum boni, et intellectus receptaculum veri (Arcana Coelestia 3332, 3623, 5332 (5835, 6065, 6125, 7503, 9300, 9930)).

Eodem recidit sive dicas verum sive dicas fidem, quoniam fides est veri ac verum est fidei; ac eodem recidit sive dicas bonum sive dicas amorem, quoniam amor est boni ac bonum est amoris: quod enim homo credit, hoc verum dicit; et quod homo amat, hoc bonum dicit (Arcana Coelestia 4353, 4997, 7178, 10122, 10367).

Inde sequitur quod intellectus sit recipiens fidei, et voluntas recipiens amoris; et quod fides et amor sint in homine quando in illis sunt, quia non alibi est vita hominis (Arcana Coelestia 7178 (7179, 10122, 10367)).

Et quia intellectus hominis potest recipere fidem in Dominum ac voluntas amorem in Dominum, quod possit fide et amore conjungi Domino; et qui conjungi potest fide et amore Domino, non potest mori in aeternum (Arcana Coelestia 4525, 6323, 9231).

Quod amor sit conjunctio in spirituali mundo (Arcana Coelestia 1594, 2057, 3939, 4018, 5807, 6195, 6196, 7081-7086, 7501, 10130).

Quod voluntas hominis sit ipsum esse vitae illius, quia est receptaculum boni et quod intellectus sit existere vitae inde, quia est receptaculum veri (Arcana Coelestia 3619, 5002, 9282).

Ita quod vita voluntatis sit vita principalis hominis, et quod vita intellectus procedat inde (Arcana Coelestia 585, 590, 3619, 7342, 8885, 9282, 10076, 10109, 10110); comparative ut lux ex igne seu flamma (Arcana Coelestia 6032, 6314).

Quod quae in intellectum veniunt et simul in voluntatem, approprientur homini; non quae solummodo in intellectum (Arcana Coelestia 9009, 9069, 9071, 9129 (9133, 9182, 9386, 9393, 10076, 10109, 10110)).

Quod illa fiant vitae hominis quae recipiuntur voluntate et inde intellectu (Arcana Coelestia 8911, 9069, 9071, 10076, 10109, 10110).

Unusquisque etiam homo ab aliis amatur et aestimatur secundum bonum suae voluntatis et inde intellectus; amatur enim et aestimatur qui vult bene et intelligit bene, ac rejicitur et vilipenditur qui intelligit bene et non vult bene (Arcana Coelestia 8911, 10076).

Quod homo etiam post mortem maneat sicut ejus voluntas et inde intellectus (Arcana Coelestia 9069, 9071, 9386, 10153): et quod quae intellectus sunt et non simul voluntatis tunc evanescant quia non sunt in hominis spiritu (Arcana Coelestia 9282).

Seu, quod eodem recidit, quod homo post mortem maneat sicut est ejus amor et inde fides, seu sicut ejus bonum et inde verum; et quod quae fidei sunt et non simul amoris, seu quae veri sunt et non simul boni, evanescant, quia non sunt in homine, ita non hominis (Arcana Coelestia 553, 2364 (2363, 10153)).

Quod homo possit intellectu capere quod non ex voluntate facit seu quod possit intelligere quod non vult, quia contra amorem ejus (Arcana Coelestia 3539).

Quod voluntas et intellectus unam mentem constituant (Arcana Coelestia 35, 3623, 5832 (5835, 10122).

Quod binae illae facultates vitae unum agere debeant, ut homo sit homo (Arcana Coelestia 3623, 4832 (5835, 5969, 9300).

Quod perversus status est apud quos intellectus et voluntas non unum agunt (Arcana Coelestia 9075).

Quod talis status sit apud hypocritas, dolosos, assentatores et simulatores (Arcana Coelestia 4326, [2426?], 3573, 4799, 8250).

Quod voluntas et intellectus redigantur in unum in altera vita, et quod non liceat ibi divisam mentem habere (Arcana Coelestia 8250).

Quod omne doctrinale ecclesiae secum ideas habeat, et per illas percipiatur quale est (Arcana Coelestia 3310).

Quod secundum illas sit intellectus ejus, et quod absque idea intellectuali apud hominem non sit nisi quam idea vocis et nulla rei (Arcana Coelestia 3825).

Quod ideae intellectus se extendant ample in societates spirituum et angelorum circumcirca (Arcana Coelestia 6598 (6599, 6600-6605, 6609, 6613)).

Quod ideae intellectus hominis aperiantur in altera vita, et ad vivum sistantur videndae quales sunt (Arcana Coelestia 1869, 3310, 5510).

Quales quorundam ideae apparent (Arcana Coelestia 6201 (6200, 8885)).

Quod omnis voluntas boni et intellectus veri sit a Domino; non ita intellectus veri separatus a voluntate boni (Arcana Coelestia 1831, 3514, 5483 (5482, 5649, 6027, 8685, 8701, 10153)).

Quod intellectus sit qui illustratur a Domino (Arcana Coelestia 6222, 6608, 10659).

Quod illis qui illustrantur, det Dominus videre et intelligere verum (Arcana Coelestia 9382, 10659).

Quod illustratio intellectus sit varia secundum status vitae hominis (Arcana Coelestia 5221, 7012, 7233).

Quod intellectus illustretur quantum homo recipit verum voluntate, hoc est, quantum vult facere secundum id (Arcana Coelestia 3619).

Quod illorum intellectus illustretur qui legunt Verbum ex amore veri et ex amore usus vitae; non autem qui ex amore famae, honoris, lucri (Arcana Coelestia 9382, 10548, 10549, 10550 (10551)).

Quod illustratio sit actualis elevatio mentis in lucem caeli (Arcana Coelestia 10330: ab experientia, Arcana Coelestia 1526, 6608).

Quod intellectui illustratio sit lux e caelo, sicut est visui lux e mundo (Arcana Coelestia 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128).

Quod lux caeli sit Divinum Verum, a quo omnis sapientia et intelligentia (Arcana Coelestia 3195, 3222, 5400, 8644, 9399, 9548, 9684).

Quod intellectus hominis sit qui illustratur ab illa luce (Arcana Coelestia 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9126 (9128, 9399, 10569)).

Quod intellectus talis sit, qualia sunt vera ex bono ex quibus formatus est (Arcana Coelestia 10064).

Quod intellectus sit qui a veris quae ex bono, non autem qui a falsis quae ex malo (Arcana Coelestia 10675).

Quod intellectus sit videre, ex illis quae experientiae et scientiae sunt, vera, causas rerum, nexus, et consequentia in serie (Arcana Coelestia 6125).

Quod intellectus sit videre et percipere num verum sit antequam confirmatur, non autem posse confirmare quodcunque (Arcana Coelestia 4741, 7012, 7680, 7950, 8521, 8780).

Quod lux confirmationes absque praevia perceptione veri, 1sit, lux naturalis, etiam dabilis apud illos qui non sapiunt (Arcana Coelestia 8780).

Quod videre et percipere num verum sit antequam confirmatur, solum detur apud illos qui afficiuntur vero propter verum, ita qui in luce spirituali sunt (Arcana Coelestia 8780).

Quod omnia dogmata etiam falsa confirmari possint, usque ut appareant sicut vera (Arcana Coelestia 2482 (2243, 4677, 2490) (2385, 4741, 5033, 6865, 7950)).

Quomodo concipitur et nascitur rationale apud hominem (Arcana Coelestia 2094, 2574 (2524, 2557, 3030, 5126)).

Quod ex influxu lucis caeli a Domino per internum hominem in cognitiones et scientias, quae sunt in externo, et inde elevationem (Arcana Coelestia 1895, 1896 (1899, 1900, 1901, 1902)).

Quod rationale nascatur per vera, et non per falsa; inde qualia vera sunt, tale rationale (Arcana Coelestia 2094, 2524, 2557).

Quod rationale per vera ex bono aperiatur et formetur, et quod per falsa ex malo claudatur et destruatur (Arcana Coelestia 3108, 5126).

Quod homo non rationalis sit qui in falsis ex malo est; et quod ideo non rationalis sit quia potest ratiocinari de quacunque re (Arcana Coelestia 1944).

Quod homo aegre sciat distinguere inter intellectum et voluntatem, quia aegre inter cogitare et velle (Arcana Coelestia 9991, [9995?],).

Plura de Voluntate et Intellectu sciri et concludi possunt ex illis quae mox supra allata sunt de Bono et Vero, modo loco Boni percipiatur Voluntas, et loco Veri Intellectus; nam voluntas est boni, ac intellectus est veri.


1. sit pro "fit"

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