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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第38节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 38

38. It is the inner self that is called a spiritual self because it is in heaven's light, and that light is spiritual. It is the outer self that is called an earthly self because it is in the light of this world, and that light is earthly. Anyone whose inner level is in heaven's light and whose outer level is in this world's light is a spiritual individual in both respects, but people whose inner level is not in heaven's light but in this world's light, where their outer level is as well, are earthly individuals in both respects. Spiritual individuals are the ones called "living" in the Word, while earthly individuals are the ones called "dead. " 1


1. For an example of the use of the terms "living" (or "being alive") in the sense "spiritually alive," and "dead" in the sense "spiritually dead," see Revelation 3:1: "And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I know your works; you have a name of being alive, but you are dead" (New Revised Standard Version). For more on Swedenborg's interpretation of "living" and "dead" in the Bible, including numerous additional Bible references, see Secrets of Heaven 7494; Revelation Unveiled 866; Soul-Body Interaction 10; Revelation Explained (= Swedenborg 1994-1997a) 186. [LSW]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 38

38. Our inner self is also called our “spiritual self,” because it is in heaven’s light, which is spiritual. And our outer self is also called our “material self” because it is in the world’s light, which is material. If our inner part is in heaven’s light and our outer part is in the world’s light, we are spiritual on both levels. However, if our inner part is not in heaven’s light, but only in the world’s light (which our outer part is in as well), we are materialistic on both levels. In the Bible, spiritual people are called “living” and materialistic people are called “dead.”

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 38

38. The internal man is what is called the spiritual man, because he is in heaven's light, which is spiritual light; and the external man is what is called the natural man, because he is in the world's light, which is natural light. A person whose internal is in heaven's light and whose external is in the world's light is a spiritual man in both respects; but one whose internal is not in heaven's light, but only in the world's light shared with the external, is a natural man in both respects. A spiritual man is called in the Word living, and a natural man is called dead.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 38

38. The internal man is what is called the spiritual man, because it is in the light of heaven, which light is spiritual; and the external man is what is called the natural man, because it is in the light of the world, which light is natural. The man whose Internal is in the light of heaven, and whose External is in the light of the world, is a spiritual man as to both; but the man whose Internal is not in the light of heaven, but only in the light of the world in which also is his External, is a natural man as to both. It is the spiritual man, who, in the Word, is called a living man, and the natural man who is called a dead man.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 38

38. The internal man is called the spiritual man, because it is in the light of heaven, which light is spiritual; and the external man is called the natural man, because it is in the light of the world, which light is natural. The man whose internal is in the light of heaven, and whose external is in the light of the world, is a spiritual man as to both; but the man whose internal is not in the light of heaven, but only in the light of the world, in which is his external also, is a natural man as to both. The spiritual man is called in the Word "living," but the natural man is called "dead."

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 38 (original Latin 1758)

38. Internus homo est qui vocatur spiritualis homo, quia est in luce caeli, quae lux est spiritualis; et externus homo est qui vocatur naturalis homo, quia est in luce mundi, quae lux est naturalis. Homo cujus internum est in luce caeli et externum in luce mundi, is spiritualis homo est quoad utrumque; at homo cujus internum non est in luce caeli, sed solum in luce mundi in quo etiam externum, is naturalis homo est quoad utrumque. Spiritualis homo est qui in Verbo vocatur "vivus," at naturalis homo qui vocatur "mortuus."

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