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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第39节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 39

39. When our inner level is in heaven's light and our outer level is in this world's light, we think in ways that are both spiritual and earthly, but our spiritual thinking flows into our earthly thinking, and that is where we perceive it. However, when our inner level is caught up in this world's light along with our outer level, we think materialistically rather than spiritually. That is, we base our thinking on the kinds of things we find in this physical world, all of which are composed of matter.

To think spiritually is to think about actual things as they really are, seeing truths in the light of truth and perceiving what is good because we love it. It is seeing the qualities of things and perceiving their emotional impact apart from their material characteristics. In contrast, thinking materialistically is thinking, seeing, and perceiving things as inseparable from matter and as in matter, and therefore relatively crudely and dimly.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 39

39. If our inner part is in heaven’s light and our outer part is in the world’s light, we think both spiritually and materially. Our spiritual thought flows into our material thought and is comprehended there. However, if our inner and outer parts are both in the world’s light, we think materially, but not spiritually. Our thinking comes from the things that exist in the material world, which are all on the material level.

Thinking spiritually is thinking about things as they are in essence. It is seeing what is true from truth’s own light, and recognizing what is good because we love goodness. It is also seeing what things are like and recognizing their tendencies, free from a materialistic bias.

Thinking materially is thinking, seeing, and recognizing goodness and truth as involving and being in material things, which makes this kind of thinking crude and dull compared to spiritual thought.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 39

39. A person whose internal is in heaven's light, and whose external is in the world's light, thinks in both a spiritual and a natural fashion. But his spiritual thought then flows into his natural thought and is perceived there. However, a person whose internal together with his external is in the world's light thinks not in a spiritual but a material fashion; for his thought is based upon things present in Nature in the world, and these are all material. Thinking in a spiritual fashion is thinking about things as they really are, seeing truths by the light of truth, and perceiving what is good by the love for good; also seeing what things are like and perceiving affection for them in an abstract or immaterial fashion. But thinking in a material fashion is thinking, seeing and perceiving things together with matter, and in material form, so in a fashion which compared to the other is gross and obscure.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 39

39. The man whose Internal is in the light of heaven, and his External in the light of the world, thinks both spiritually and naturally; but in the latter case his spiritual thought flows into his natural thought, and is there perceived. But the man, whose Internal, together with his External, is in the light it of the world, does not think spiritually, but materially; for he thinks from those things which are within the nature of the world, all of which are material. Thinking spiritually means thinking of things as they are in themselves, seeing truths from the light of truth, and perceiving goods from the love of good; also, seeing the qualities of things, and perceiving their affections, abstractly from matter: but thinking materially means thinking seeing, and perceiving those things, together with matter, and in matter, and thus in a way comparatively gross and obscure.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 39

39. The man whose internal is in the light of heaven, and his external in the light of the world, thinks both spiritually and naturally; but then his spiritual thought flows into his natural thought, and is there perceived. But the man whose internal and external are in the light of the world, does not think spiritually, but materially; for he thinks from such things as are in the nature of the world, all which are material. To think spiritually is to think of things themselves as they are in themselves, to see truths in the light of truth, and to perceive goods from the love of good; also, to see the qualities of things, and to perceive their affections, abstractly from matter. But to think materially is to think, see, and perceive them together with matter, and in matter, thus in a gross and obscure manner respectively.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 39 (original Latin 1758)

39. Homo cujus internum est in luce caeli, et externum in luce mundi, ille et spiritualiter et naturaliter cogitat; sed tunc spiritualis ejus cogitatio influit in naturalem, ac percipitur ibi: at homo cujus internum cum externo est in luce mundi, non spiritualiter sed materialiter cogitat; cogitat enim ex talibus quae in mundi natura sunt, quae omnia sunt materialia. Spiritualiter cogitare est cogitare ipsas res in se, videre vera ex luce veri, et percipere bona ex amore boni, tum videre qualitates rerum et percipere illarum affectiones abstracte a materia; at materialiter cogitare est cogitare, videre, et percipere illa una cum materia, et in materia, ita respective crasse et obscure.

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