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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第40节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 40

40. Seen in its own right, a spiritual inner self is an angel of heaven, and while it is living in the body it is also in the company of angels even though it is not aware of being so; and once it is released from the body it joins them. A merely earthly inner self, though, when seen in its own right, is not an angel but a spirit and is also in the company of spirits while it is living in the body. However, it is with spirits who are in hell, and after its release from the body it joins them.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 40

40. If our inner part is spiritual, we are actually angels of heaven. This means we are in a community of angels while we are living in our physical body, even if we are not aware of it. After we are freed from our physical body we associate with angels.

However, if our inner part is completely materialistic, we are spirits, but not angels. This means we are in a community of spirits while we are living in our physical body, but they are spirits from hell. After we are freed from our physical body we associate with these spirits.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 40

40. An inwardly spiritual person is, seen as he really is, an angel of heaven; and he is also, even while he lives in his body, in company with angels though he is unaware of it; and after being released from his body he comes to join the angels. However, a person who is inwardly only natural is, seen as he really is, a spirit and not an angel; and he is also, while he lives in his body, in company with spirits, but with those spirits who are in hell; and after being released from his body, he comes to join them.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 40

40. The internal spiritual man, regarded in himself, is an angel of heaven; and even while living in the body, is in association with angels, although he is not aware of it, and after his separation from the body, he comes among angels. But the internal, merely natural, man, regarded in himself, is a spirit, and not an angel: he too, during his life in the body, is in association with spirits, but with those who are in hell; among these also he comes, after his separation from the body.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 40

40. The internal spiritual man, regarded in himself, is an angel of heaven; and, also, during his life in the body, is in society with angels, although he does not then know it; and after his separation from the body, he comes among the angels. But the merely natural internal man, regarded in himself, is a spirit, and not an angel; and, also, during his life in the body, is in society with spirits, but with those who are in hell, among whom he also comes after his separation from the body.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 40 (original Latin 1758)

40. Internus spiritualis homo, in se spectatus, est angelus caeli; et quoque, dum vivit in corpore, est in societate cum angelis, tametsi id tunc nescit, et post solutionem a corpore inter angelos venit. Homo autem internus mere naturalis, in se spectatus, est spiritus et non angelus; et quoque, dum vivit in corpore, in societate cum spiritibus est, sed cum illis qui in inferno sunt; etiam post solutionem a corpore inter illos venit.

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