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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第41节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 41

41. The deeper levels of [the minds of] people who are spiritual are actively raised up toward heaven because that is their primary focus, while the deeper levels of the minds of people who are merely earthly are actively turned toward this world because that is their primary focus. For all of us, our inner levels, which are levels of our higher mind, are turned toward what we love above all, and our outer levels, which are levels of our lower mind, are turned in the same direction as the inner.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 41

41. If we are spiritual, the deeper levels of our mind are turned upward toward heaven, since that is where we primarily direct our attention. But if we are completely materialistic, the deeper parts of our minds are turned toward the world, since that is where we primarily direct our attention. The deeper parts of our mind are turned toward whatever we love more than anything else — and the outer parts of our mind turn wherever the deeper parts do.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 41

41. The interiors of those who are spiritual people are in fact raised towards heaven, since that is their chief aim. However, the interiors of the mind of those who are only natural are in fact turned to the world since that is their chief aim. Each individual has the interiors of his mind turned to that which he loves above all; and the exteriors of the outward mind are turned in the same direction as the interiors.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 41

41. The interiors with those who are spiritual men, are also actually raised towards heaven, for that they chiefly regard. But the interiors belonging to the mind (mens) with those who are merely natural, are actually turned towards the world, for they regard that chiefly. The interiors which belong to the mind (mens) are turned with every one towards that which he loves above all things; and the exteriors which belong to the lower mind (animus), are turned in the same direction as the interiors.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 41

41. The interiors, with those who are spiritual men, are also actually elevated towards heaven, for that is what they primarily regard; but the interiors which are of the mind with those who are merely natural, are actually turned to the world, because that is what they primarily regard. The interiors, which are of the mind [mens], are turned with everyone to that which he loves above all things; and the exteriors which are of the mind [animus], are turned the same way as the interiors.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 41 (original Latin 1758)

41. Interiora apud illos qui spirituales homines sunt, etiam actualiter elevata sunt versus caelum, spectant enim illud primario: interiora autem quae mentis sunt apud illos qui mere naturales sunt, actualiter versa sunt ad mundum, quia spectant illum primario. Interiora quae mentis sunt, apud unumquemvis versa sunt ad id quod super omnia amat et exteriora quae animi sunt, vertuntur quo interiora.

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