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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第42节






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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 42

42. People who have only a vague concept of the inner self and the outer self believe that it is the inner self that thinks and intends and the outer that speaks and acts as a result, since thinking and intending are internal activities, and speaking and acting are external. It should be borne in mind, though, that when we think intelligently and intend wisely, we are thinking and intending from a spiritual inner nature, but when we do not think intelligently and intend wisely we are thinking and intending from an earthly inner nature. This means that when our thoughts about the Lord and about matters that involve the Lord are good and when our thoughts about our neighbor and about matters that involve our neighbor are good, and when our intentions toward them are good, we are thinking and intending from our spiritual inner nature. This is because our thinking is based on a belief in what is true and a love for what is good, and is therefore coming from heaven. However, when our thoughts about them are evil and our intentions toward them are evil, then we are thinking and intending from our earthly inner nature because our thinking is based on a belief in what is false and a love for what is evil, so our thinking is coming from hell.

In short, to the extent that we are focused on loving the Lord and loving our neighbor, our inner nature is spiritual. We are thinking and intending from that nature and are speaking and acting from it as well. To the extent that we are focused on loving ourselves and loving the world, though, our inner nature is earthly. We are thinking and intending from that nature and are speaking and acting from it as well.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 42

42. If we have only a vague idea about our inner and outer selves, we suppose that since our thinking and motivation are inside us, and our speech and action are outside, our inner self is what thinks and wants things, and our outer self is what says and does things. We should realize, though, that when we think with understanding and want things wisely, our thinking and motivation come from our inner spiritual part. But when we think without understanding and want things unwisely, our thinking and motivation come from our inner material-level part.

So when we think well of the Lord and what is his, and of other people and what is theirs, and when we wish well toward them, our thinking and motivation come from our inner spiritual part. They come from believing what is true and loving what is good, which means they come from heaven.

But when we think badly of the Lord and of other people, and wish harm to them, our thinking and motivation come from our inner material part. They come from believing false things and loving evil things, which means they come from hell.

In short, the more we love the Lord and other people, the more we are in tune with our inner spiritual part. Our thinking and motivation come from it, and so do our speech and actions. But the more we are absorbed in selfishness and materialism, the more we are in tune with our inner material part. Our thinking and motivation come from it, and so do our speech and actions.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 42

42. Anyone with only a general idea of the internal and external man believes that it is the internal man who thinks and wills, and the external who speaks and acts, since thinking and willing are inward matters and speaking and acting as a result are outward matters. But it should be known that when a person thinks intelligently and wills wisely, then his thinking and willing come from a spiritual internal. When, however, he does not think intelligently and will wisely, his thinking and willing come from a natural internal. Consequently, when a person has good thoughts about the Lord and matters concerning the Lord, and when he has good thoughts about the neighbour and matters concerning him, and has good intentions towards them, his thinking and willing are then from a spiritual internal because his thinking and willing are then from faith in truth and love for good, so they come from heaven. When, however, a person has evil thoughts and intentions concerning them, then his thinking and willing come from a natural internal, because they arise from faith in falsity and love for evil, that is, from hell. In short, the more a person is in a state of love to the Lord and of love towards the neighbour, the more he has a spiritual internal, and this is the source of his thinking and willing, and also of his speech and actions. However, the more he is in a state of self-love and love for the world, the more he has a natural internal, and this is the source of his thinking and willing, and also of his speech and actions.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 42

42. Those who have a merely general idea of the internal and the external man, suppose that it is the internal man which thinks and wills, and the external man which speaks and acts; because thinking and willing are internal, and speaking and acting are external. But it is to be borne in mind, that, when a man thinks intelligently, and wills wisely, he then thinks and wills from a spiritual Internal: but that when a man does not think intelligently, and will wisely, he thinks and wills from a natural Internal. When a man, therefore, thinks rightly concerning the Lord, and the things that belong to the Lord; and when he thinks rightly concerning the neighbour, and the things belonging to the neighbour, and wills rightly towards them, he thinks and wills from a spiritual Internal, because he then thinks from a faith of the truth and from a love of good, and consequently from heaven. But when a man thinks wrongly concerning them, and wills wrongly towards them, he then thinks and wills from a natural Internal, because from a faith of what is false and a love of what is evil, and consequently from hell. In a word, in so far as a man is in love to the Lord, and in love towards the neighbour, he is in a spiritual Internal, and he thinks and wills from it, and from it he also speaks and acts; but, in so far as a man is in the love of self and the love of the world, he is in a natural Internal, and from it thinks and wills, and also from it speaks and acts.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 42

42. They who have only a general idea concerning the internal and the external man, believe that it is the internal man which thinks and wills, and the external which speaks and acts; because to think and to will is internal, and to speak and to act thence is external. But it is to be known that when man thinks intelligently and wills wisely, he then thinks and wills from a spiritual internal; but when man does not think intelligently, and will wisely, he thinks and wills from a natural internal. Consequently, when a man thinks well concerning the Lord, and those things which are of the Lord, and well concerning the neighbor, and those things which are of the neighbor, and wills well to them, he then thinks and wills from a spiritual internal, because he then thinks from the faith of truth and from the love of good, thus from heaven. But when man thinks and wills wickedly concerning them, he then thinks and wills from a natural internal, because he thinks and wills from the faith of falsity and from the love of evil, thus from hell. In a word, so far as man is in love to the Lord, and in love towards the neighbor, so far he is in a spiritual internal, from which he thinks and wills, and from which also he speaks and acts; but so far as man is in the love of self, and in the love of the world, so far he is in a natural internal, from which he thinks and wills, and from which also he speaks and acts.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 42 (original Latin 1758)

42. Qui modo communem ideam de interno et externo homine habent, credunt quod internus homo sit qui cogitat et qui vult, et externus qui loquitur et qui facit, quoniam cogitare et velle est internum, et inde loqui et facere est externum Sed sciendum est quod cum homo intelligenter cogitat et sapienter vult, tunc cogitet et velit ab interno spirituali at cum homo non intelligenter cogitat et sapienter vult, cogitet et velit ab interno naturali: consequenter cum homo bene de Domino et de illis quae Domini sunt, et cum bene de proximo ac de illis quae proximi sunt, cogitat et illis bene vult, tunc cogitat et vult ab interno spirituali, quia tunc cogitat ex fide veri et ex amore boni, ita ex caelo: at cum homo male de illis cogitat et male illis vult, tunc cogitat et vult ab interno naturali, quia ex fide falsi et ex amore mali, ita ex inferno. Verbo quantum homo in amore in Dominum est, et in amore erga proximum est, tantum in interno spirituali est, et ex eo cogitat et vult, et quoque ex eo loquitur et facit at quantum homo in amore sui est, et in amore mundi, tantum in interno naturali est, et ex eo cogitat et vult, et quoque ex eo loquitur et facit.

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