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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第63节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 63

63. There is more information above on love and its essence and nature, in the statements and passages referred to concerning goodness and truth [11-27]; in the statements and passages referred to concerning will and understanding [28-35]; and in the statements and passages referred to concerning the inner and the outer self [36-53]. This is because everything that has to do with [what we] love goes back to either good or evil, and the same holds true for everything that has to do with [what we] will to do, and also because the two kinds of love in heaven open the inner, spiritual self and give form to it while the two kinds of love in hell close it and destroy it. By inference, that information will allow you to see the nature of love both in general and in particular.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 63

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 63

63. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 63

63. Further particulars concerning Love and its essence and quality may be known from what has been said and shewn above concerning Good and Truth; also from what has been said and shewn above concerning Will and Understanding; and also from what has been said and shewn concerning the Internal and External Man; for all things which belong to love are referable either to goods or to evils; in like manner all the things which belong to the will: and as the two Loves of heaven open and form the internal spiritual man, and the two Loves of hell close and destroy it, therefore applications may be made and conclusions drawn therefrom respecting the quality of Love in general and particular.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 63

63. Further particulars respecting love and its essence and quality, may be known from what has been said and shown above, concerning good and truth; also from what has been said and quoted concerning the will and the understanding; and also from what has been said and quoted concerning the internal and the external man; because all things which are of the love refer themselves either to goods or to evils; and so also all things which are of the will: and since the two loves of heaven open and form the internal spiritual man; but the two loves of hell close and destroy it. Hence applications may be made and conclusions drawn respecting the quality of love in general and particular.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 63 (original Latin 1758)

63. Plura de amore et ejus essentia et quali, sciri possunt ex illis quae supra dicta et allata sunt de Bono et Vero: tum ex illis quae supra dicta et allata sunt de Voluntate et Intellectu: ut et ex illis quae dicta et allata sunt de Interno et Externo Homine: quoniam omnia quae amoris sunt, se referunt ad bona et ad mala; similiter omnia quae sunt ipsius voluntatis; et quoniam bini amores caeli aperiunt et formant internum spiritualem hominem; at bini amores inferni claudunt et destruunt illum. Inde possunt applicationes fieri, et conclusiones, qualis est amor in genere et in specie.

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