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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第91节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 91

91. However, it is not just people as individuals who are one's neighbor but people in the plural. That is, it is any smaller or larger community, our country, the church, the Lord's kingdom, and above all the Lord himself. These are "our neighbor" to whom we should do good out of love.

These are also ascending levels of neighbor. A community of many is a neighbor on a higher level than one individual. On a level still higher is our country, on a level still higher is the church, and on a level still higher is the Lord's kingdom; but on the highest level, our neighbor is the Lord. These ascending levels are like the rungs of a ladder with the Lord at the top.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 91

91. It is not just individual people who are our friends, but also groups of people, such as small and large communities, our country, religion, the Lord’s realm, and most of all, the Lord himself. All of these are our friends, so we should do good things for them out of love.

These groups of people are our friends at higher and higher levels. A community with many people in it is our friend at a higher level than an individual person; our country is our friend at an even higher level; religion at an even higher level; the Lord’s realm at a still higher level; and the Lord is our friend at the highest level of all. These higher and higher levels are like a staircase with the Lord at the top.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 91

91. But the neighbour is not only a person in the singular, but also people in the plural. The term includes smaller and greater communities, one's country, the church, the Lord's kingdom and above all the Lord Himself. All these are the neighbour to whom good is to be done out of love. There are too the ascending degrees of the neighbour. A community consisting of many people is the neighbour in a higher degree than a single person. One's country is in an even higher degree, the church in one higher still. In an even higher degree is the Lord's kingdom; and the Lord is in the highest degree. These ascending degrees are like the rungs of a ladder, at the top of which the Lord stands.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 91

91. The neighbour, however, is not only the man in the singular number, but also man in the plural number; for a smaller or greater society, one's country, the Church, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord Himself above all, is also the neighbour. They are the neighbour, to whom good ought to be done out of love. They also are the ascending degrees of the neighbour: for a society consisting of many is a neighbour in a higher degree than an individual person; one's country is so in a still higher degree; the Church in a higher degree still; and, in a still higher degree, the kingdom of the Lord; but in the highest degree the Lord is the neighbour. These ascending degrees are like the steps of a ladder, at the top of which is the Lord.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 91

91. But the neighbor is not only man singly, but also man collectively, as a less or greater society, our country, the church, the Lord's kingdom, and, above all, the Lord Himself; these are the neighbor to whom good is to be done from love. These are also the ascending degrees of neighbor, for a society of many is neighbor in a higher degree than a single man is; in a still higher degree is our country; in a still higher degree is the church; and in a still higher degree is the Lord's kingdom; but in the highest degree is the Lord. These ascending degrees are like the steps of a ladder, at the top of which is the Lord.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 91 (original Latin 1758)

91. Verum non modo homo in singulari est proximus, sed etiam homo in plurali; est namque societas minor et major, est patria, est ecclesia, est regnum Domini, et super omnes est Ipse Dominus: hi sunt proximus quibus benefaciendum est ex amore. Sunt etiam hi gradus proximi ascendentes; in superiori enim gradu est societas plurium quam homo singularis; in adhuc superiori gradu est patria; in adhuc superiori gradu est ecclesia; et in adhuc superiori gradu est regnum Domini; in supremo autem est Dominus. Gradus hi ascendentes sunt sicut gradus scalae, in cujus vertice est Dominus.

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