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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第92节




92、社会是比个人更高等级的友邻,因为它由很多人组成。 仁爱施与社会和施予个人的方式相同,即根据其拥有的良善。 对于一个正直的社会和一个不正直的社会,施行仁爱的方式是完全不同的。当我们出于爱的良善而关怀一个社会的福祉时,我们就在爱这个社会。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 92

92. A community is a neighbor to a greater extent than an individual is because it is made up of many individuals. We are to practice caring about it just the way we do with respect to individuals, namely, according to the goodness that we find in it. This means that the exercise of caring directed toward a community of honest people is totally different from caring directed toward a community of dishonest people. We love a community when we are concerned for its welfare because of our love of what is good.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 92

92. A community is our friend at a higher level than an individual person because it has many people in it. We should show kindness to it in the same way we do to an individual person — according to its good qualities. So we should act in a completely different way toward a community of honest people than toward a community of corrupt people. We are loving our community when we care about its good qualities because we love goodness.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 92

92. A community is more the neighbour than a single person, because it is composed of many people. Charity should be exercised towards it in the same way as towards an individual, that is, in accordance with the good to be found in it. It should therefore be exercised differently towards a community of upright people and towards a community of people who are not upright. A community is loved by caring for its good out of a love for good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 92

92. A society is a neighbour more than an individual person, because it consists of many. Charity is to be practised towards it in the same manner as towards an individual person, namely, according to the quality of the good that prevails in it; wherefore it is to be practised in a totally different manner towards a society of upright persons than from what it is to a society of persons not upright. A society is loved when its good is cared for from the love of good.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 92

92. A society is the neighbor more than a single man, because it consists of many. Charity is to be exercised towards it in a like manner as towards a man singly, namely, according to the quality of the good that is with it; thus in a manner totally different towards a society of the upright, than towards a society of those not upright. The society is loved when its good is regarded from the love of good.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 92 (original Latin 1758)

92. Societas est proximus prae singulari homine, quia illa consistit ex pluribus: erga illam charitas similiter exercenda est ut erga hominem in singulari, nempe secundum quale boni quod apud illam; ita prorsus aliter erga societatem proborum, quam erga societatem non proborum. Amatur societas quam bono ejus consulitur ex amore boni.

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