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《灵界经历》 第1003节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1003

1003. Their order of succession with respect to the body, is as follows: Those portraying the medium liquid component are at the left side next to the body, below the elbow. 1Those portraying the ureters are toward the left, but farther from the body. Those portraying the bladder appear still farther away, and in fact, in front of the left side of the face, at the same level, so they are sometimes very far removed. I could not make out what they were doing, except what was explicitly pointed out to me. Together, therefore, from the left side toward the front, they form a kind of hyperbola [extending] from the quarters to the left, frontwards, thus covering quite a long stretch.


1. The word ulna, "elbow," in the ms. was tampered with by B. Chastanier, and erroneously changed to ureter.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1003

1003. Their order or series in relation to the situation of the body is thus: They who relate to the middle serosity are at the left side, nearest the body, beneath the elbow; they who relate to the ureters are towards the left, but farther away from the body; they who relate to the bladder are stationed still farther away, and indeed before the left part of the face, being in the plane of the face, thus they are far away, and sometimes at a great distance. I could not perceive their actions, but only what this signified to me. Thus, together they form, as it were, an hyperbola from the left side towards the front, for in this manner they project themselves from the left towards the front, and this in a tract of considerable length.

Experientiae Spirituales 1003 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1003. Ordo seu series eorum, quoad situm corporis tales sunt: qui mediam serositatem, a latere sinistro proxime 1

ad corpus sunt, sub ulna 1

, qui ureteres 1

versus sinistrum, sed longius a ccrpore, qui vesicam, adhuc longius sistuntur, et quidem ante faciei sinistram partem, cum qua in plano sunt, sic longissime quandoque remoti sunt, quorum actus non potui percipere, nisi quod mihi id significatum. Formant sic simul a latere sinistro, versus anteriora quasi hyperbolam, nam sic se projiciunt versus anteriora a sinistris, ita satis longo tractu.


1. hoc verbum in the Manuscript stilo alieno attactum est

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