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《灵界经历》 第1013节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1013

1013. Now these are people who in their life [in the world] utterly scorn anything pious, that is, anything heavenly and spiritual, and consequently the life that goes with it. They so despise it, in fact, that they inwardly, or even openly, cast aspersions on it, each in their own way. These are the ones who are sent, or rather, pushed, into this province at the back, that of the gallbladder, unawares whither they are drifting.

1013. 1/2. A spirit approached me, asking whether I knew where he could stay. I considered him an upright one, judging from his speech, and when I told him that he could stay here, he was content. Then the spirits of this province whose role is vexation came up and annoyed him miserably. I was sorry, and tried to stop them, but they kept on, and I was unable to stop them. In this way I was taught that I was now in the province of the gallbladder.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1013

1013. They are those who during their life utterly despise whatever is pious, that is, whatever is celestial and spiritual, thus the life thereof. Indeed, they so despise it that they treat it with insults, either within themselves or even openly, each in his own way. These are the spirits who are sent into this province of the gall-bladder at the back, or are urged thither without their knowing where they are flowing.

1013 1/2. A certain spirit came to me, inquiring whether I knew where he could stay. I considered him to be upright, as I gathered from his speech, and when I said that he could stay here, he was content. The vexatious spirits of this province accosted and miserably annoyed him, so that I grieved and wanted to stop them; but they persisted, and I could not stop them. I was thus instructed that I was then in the province of the gall-bladder.

Experientiae Spirituales 1013 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1013. Suntque ii in vita qui contemnunt prorsus id quod pium, hoc est, quod coeleste et spirituale est, ita eorum vitam, imo ita contemnunt, ut in se vel etiam manifeste contumeliis afficiant, quisque suo modo, ii sunt qui in hanc provinciam a tergo, seu vesicae fellis mittuntur, seu illuc urgentur, nescii, quonam alluunt.

1013a. Quidam spiritus ad me venit, quaerens num scirem ubi morari posset, existimavi, quod esset probus, sicut a loquela ejus autumavi, cumque dicerem ei, quod hic posset, contentus eo, spiritus vexatores hujus provinciae appellebant, et eum misere vexabant, quod dolui, et volui inhibere, sed perstabant, nec inhibere potui; sic instructus quod tunc essem in provincia vesicae fellis.

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