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《灵界经历》 第1014节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1014

1014. The vexation is like that of being forced to speak faster than one is thinking. For newly-arrived spirits normally speak like people on earth, but here they are forced to speak faster by these vexing spirits, who first more or less pull their speaking away from their thinking, until the thinking is forced to follow. This causes pain and annoyance, until the spirit becomes accustomed to it. Then he is introduced into a faster and faster speaking, and at the same time, into spiral motions - for after a while, this agitation is produced by means of such gyres, at first rather slow ones, afterwards faster.

1014. 1/2. But the kind of spirits who are sent here, as said before [1013], are those who scorn spiritual and heavenly qualities, or piety. 1748, 26 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1014

1014. The vexation is like a compulsion to speak faster than one thinks; for newly-arrived spirits talk in their own way as do men, but they are compelled by these vexatious spirits to speak more quickly, so that at first they withdraw the speech, as it were, away from the thought; still the thought is compelled to follow. This is done with suffering and vexation, until at length the spirit becomes accustomed to it. In this way he is initiated by degrees into speaking more quickly. Then in like manner he is initiated into gyres; for this vexation is effected later by gyres, which at first are rather slow, and afterwards are quicker.

1014 1/2. But the spirits who are sent here, as was said [n. 1013 are they who despise spiritual and celestial things, thus that which is pious. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1014 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1014. Vexatio est similis coactioni ad loquendum citius quam cogitatur, spiritus enim recentes loquuntur suo modo sicut homines, sed coguntur sic per vexatores hos citius loqui, sic ut primum abstrahant loquelam quasi a cogitatione, usque cogitatio cogitur sequi, quod fit cum dolore et vexatione, usque dum assuescit, sic inauguratur magis magisque ut citius loquatur, similiter tunc in gyros, nam fit vexatio haec postea per gyros, qui primo lentiores sunt, postea citiores.

1014a. Sed spiritus tales qui huc mittuntur, sunt ut dictum ii, qui contemnunt spiritualia et coelestia, sic quod pium. 1748, 26 Febr.

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