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《灵界经历》 第1015节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1015

1015. About gyres

There are spiral motions into which souls must be introduced in order to be able to stay amongst their companions, thus not only to speak, but also to think together with them, and finally to think rightly, or what is true and good.

There are many kinds of introduction-just as many as there are of agitations of the serum and of the blood in the human body. Of these there are many kinds and species, and there are also levels of them, the lowest level being only that they can be in spiral motions together with their companions. Even evil spirits can be introduced into these and adapted so as to be in the same gyres. For example, evil spirits can speak and feel in a person on earth just as well as good spirits. This takes place in a twofold manner, by spiral motions alone, and by the a forcing of their speech, as just spoken of [1014], to make it agree with their thought.

1015. 1/2. There are levels of these agitations and introductions, represented in the body, as far as the blood is concerned, by the agitation of the blood in the gallbladder, by its agitation in the liver, from which comes the hepatic bile, by its agitation outside of the biliferous pores, when the lymph together with the purer blood is carried off into the lymphatic vessels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1015


There are gyres into which souls must be inaugurated, and this, in order that they may be in the company of others, so that they may not only speak with them, but also think, and finally think aright, or that which is true and good. 1There are many such inaugurations, as many indeed as are the agitations of the serum and blood in the human body. There are also many genera and species and likewise degrees thereof. The lowest degree is only to enable them to be together with those in the gyres; into these gyres the evil also can be introduced, so that they may be made fit to be present in similar gyres. As is the case with man, evil spirits can speak and feel as well as the good, and this is effected in a two-fold manner, by gyrations alone, and by a compulsion of their speech, so that it may agree with the thought, as was said.


1. Crossed out: "Wherefore they are at first inaugurated into gyres, which are the fundamentals."

1015 1/2. There are degrees of such agitations and inaugurations, and these degrees are represented in the body. In regard to the blood, they are represented by the agitation of the blood in the gall-bladder, by its agitation in the liver whence is the hepatic bile, and by its agitation outside the biliferous pores, when the lymph together with the purer blood is being carried into the lymphatic vessels.

Experientiae Spirituales 1015 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1015. De gyris

Sunt gyri in quos animae inaugurari debent, nempe ut interesse possint aliorum consortiis, ita non solum simul cum iis loqui, sed etiam cogitare, demum rite cogitare, seu id quod verum et bonum est, tales inaugurationes sunt plures, quot nempe vexationes seri et sanguinis in corpore humano, tum plura earum genera et plures species, tum earum gradus dantur, infimus gradus est modo quod simul cum iis in gyris esse queant - in 1

hoc introduci queunt etiam mali, sic ut accommodentur interesse similibus gyris, sicut in homine mali spiritus tam bene loqui et sentire possunt ac boni - fitque 2

duplici modo per solas gyrationes, et per loquelae coercitionem ut dictum est [1014], ut consentiat cogitationi. 1015a. Gradus talium vexationum inaugurationum dantur, qui gradus repraesentantur in corpore, quoad sanguinem, per vexationem sanguinis in vesica fellis, per vexationem in hepate, unde bilis hepatica, per vexationem extra poros biliferos, quum aufertur lympha cum sanguine puriore in vasa lymphatica.


1. The Manuscript has queunt, in

2. The Manuscript has boni, fitque

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