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《灵界经历》 第1018节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1018

1018. At the left side of the head or skull are those who during their bodily life had despised or harassed goodness, or everything relating to affection; at the right side, those who had done the same to truths, which are the deeper knowledge of what is good and true.

As a result of falsities born from the thinking process and resulting conclusions, the brain is said to harden. Someone told me this and said that he now and then saw hardenings of this kind in me due to some slight cause, in other locations as well [as the brain]. I also experienced the pain resulting from their being softened, which varied from dull to sharp, depending on the kind of falsity that caused them. 1748, 26 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1018

1018. At the left side of the head or skull are those, who during their life in the body, have despised and vexed those things which are good or which pertain to the affection. At the right side are those who have despised and vexed the things which are true; these are the cognitions of good and truth. According to the falsities born from thoughts, and thus from conclusions, the brain is said to harden; [a spirit] told me that here and there he perceived similar hardenings with me from only a slight cause; likewise also elsewhere. Moreover, the pain of its dissolution was felt, a pain which varied, being dull or acute, according to the nature of the cause, that is, of the falsity. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1018 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1018. A latere sinistro capitis seu cranii, sunt qui contemserunt et vexarunt ea in vita corporis, quae bona sunt, seu quae ad affectiones pertinent, a latere dextro quae vera, sed sunt cognitiones boni et veri; secundum falsitates natas ex cogitationibus, et sic conclusis, indurescere dicitur cerebrum, quod mihi dictum est, quod similes indurationes apud me passim perciperet, solum ex levi causa, similiter etiam alibi; dolor etiam solutionis quoque sentitus est, qui est varius obtusus, acutus, secundum qualitatem causae seu falsitatis. 1748, 26 Febr.

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