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《灵界经历》 第1021节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1021

1021. But there are numerous other paths, some leading through many years of chastenings, and repeated agitations lasting many years, in fact centuries and thousands of years. Some have winding courses long in distance and time, as do [the foods] that pass into the human mouth: some essences are carried quickly into the brain by a short route; some [foods are taken up] by the veins in the mouth and thence into the blood, some from the stomach, some from the intestines. But these latter, which come into the blood through the chyle, are constantly being chastened, dissolved, and again united.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1021

1021. But there are very many other ways. Some are by castigations and repeated vexations for many years, indeed for hundreds and thousands of years. For some there are lengthy and long continued windings. It is as with [the foods] that enter the human mouth: some essences are swiftly conveyed into the brain by a very short way; some are conveyed by the veins there, and so enter into the blood; some are conveyed from the stomach, and some from the intestines. These latter come to the blood by way of the chyle, but they are continually being castigated, dissolved and again united.

Experientiae Spirituales 1021 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1021. Sed sunt perplures aliae viae, quaedam per plurium annorum castigationes, et repetitas vexationes per plures annos, imo per saecula et millia annorum, sunt circumductiones quibusdam longae et diutinae, sicut [cibis] qui alluunt in os humanum: quaedam essentiae cito auferuntur in cerebrum per viam compendiariam, quidam {a} per venas ibidem sic in sanguinem, quidam e ventriculo, quidam ab intestinis, qui in sanguinem per chylum veniunt, sed castigantur jugiter, solvuntur ac iterum uniuntur.

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