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《灵界经历》 第1023节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1023

1023. About calluses

The parts of the left eye interact with those of the right side of the brain

At the left side of the brain, or in its left hemisphere, are located those falsities that relate to the feelings; at the right side those that relate to indoctrination. Or, at the left side is all that looks toward goodness, and at the right, all that looks to what is true. In souls, therefore, hardenings of the callus or skulls show up accordingly.

These incrustations are something that must soften. This takes place in various ways, by such means as enlightened knowledge - by being educated in what is true-as well as by bitter surges of truth, bringing on pain; after this has occurred, by an actual process of dismemberment, which is painful. It is the more painful according to the nature of the falsities and the consequent hardenings. So the process is repeated, and still there remain hardenings; for a hardening softens by stages and degrees, both as a whole, and part by part. Hardenings also cling to the inner marrows.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1023


At the left part of the cerebrum, or in its left hemisphere, those things are presented which are false as to the affections, and at the right those which are false as to doctrinals; or, at the left, those that look to good, but at the right those that look to truth. In souls, therefore, the hardenings of the callus, or of the skulls, so present themselves. These hardenings are such that they need to be softened, which is effected in various ways, as by means of cognitions, by information as to truths, also by such hard influxes of verities that they bring pain. When this is done it is later effected by actual rendings which are painful, being the more painful according to the nature of those things that are false and thus are hardened. These things are repeated, but the hardenings still remain; for a hardening is softened by alternations, and by degrees, in things simultaneous and in things successive. Like things inhere also in the interior medulla.

Experientiae Spirituales 1023 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1023. De callis. Quod ea quae sunt sinistri oculi correspondeant iis quae sunt dextrae partis cerebri.

1023. Quod ad sinistram cerebri partem, seu in sinistro ejus haemisphaerio sistantur 1

ea, quae falsa sunt, quoad affectiones, et ad dextram, quae ad doctrinalia, seu ad sinistram quae ad bonum, sed ad dextram quae ad verum spectant, quare indurationes calli, seu craniorum in animabus, se ita sistunt, quae incrustationes tales sunt ut mollescere debeant, quod fit variis modis, ut per cognitiones, per informationes veri, tum influxus veritatis acerbos, sic ut dolorem sistant: postea, quum 2

hoc factum est, per discerptiones actuales, quae sunt dolorificae, quae dolorificae magis sunt secundum qualitatem eorum quae falsa sunt, et sic indurata, ita repetitae dantur, et usque remanent indurationes, nam per vices induratio mollescit, et per gradus, in simultaneis, et in successivis, in interiori medulla quooue haerent similia.


1. ad...sistuntur legerim, absque Quod initiale

2. The Manuscript has postea; quum

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