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《灵界经历》 第1027节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1027

1027. Further, the eyes interact with the hemispheres of the brain, and, in fact, in such a way that the left eye interacts with the right hemisphere, and the right eye with the left hemisphere; for the fibers also are so oriented, as well as the fibers in the optical nerves. I was told that this is the case. They portray the spiritual realm, that is, the left eye or right side of the brain understanding of truth, and the right eye together with the left side of the brain, understanding of goodness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1027

1027. Furthermore, the eyes correspond to the hemispheres of the cerebrum, and this in such a manner that the left eye corresponds to its right hemisphere, and the right eye to its left hemisphere, for the fibers likewise flow in this manner, as also do the fibers in the optic nerves. It was told me that such is the case. These things represent the spiritual sphere, namely, the left eye or the right part of the cerebrum represent the intellectual things of truth, and the right eye together with the left part of the cerebrum the intellectual things of good.

Experientiae Spirituales 1027 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1027. Praeterea oculi correspondent cerebri haemisphaeri is, et quidem ita ut sinister oculus correspondeat dextro haemisphaerio, et dexter oculus sinistro haemisphaerio cerebri, nam ita quoque fluunt fibrae, tum quoque fibrae in nervis opticis; quod ita sit mihi dictum est. Spiritualem sphaeram repraesentant, nempe sinister oculus seu dextra pars cerebri, intellectualia veri, et dexter oculus cum sinistra cerebri parte intellectualia boni.

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