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《灵界经历》 第1035节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1035

1035. They are also comparable to the case of the aliments or foods ingested into the stomach; for [newly-arrived] souls represent the things that are put into the stomach and broken up there. Some must be agitated roughly in the stomach, then in the intestines.

Other souls are absorbed straightway into the veins, and thus easily purified; others go into the lymphatics. Some upon first entering the mouth, before passage into the stomach, are taken up by the veins and exhale into the brain, and immediately begin a purer circulation, the purer ones of them being carried through imperceptible vein-like fibers toward the brain.

There are, besides, those souls who, being drawn out of the air by the lungs, fly directly to the brain. These are the purer foods of the brain. There are also some who are drawn imperceptibly through the tunics of the whole body, and then carried up toward the brain, such as little children [see 1022], some from the air, some from the ether-thus there are countless varieties.

But those who are agitated by the urinary spirits, and those of the colon and gallbladder, must endure a longer stay, because their gross elements cling so tightly. 1748, 26 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1035

1035. These things are circumstanced like the aliments or foods which are carried into the stomach and there triturated, for souls refer to those things which are sent into the stomach. Some foods have to be roughly treated in the stomach and afterwards in the intestines. Others are at once absorbed into the veins and thus easily purified. Some are absorbed into the lymphatics. Some foods are first absorbed in the mouth before reaching the stomach and, carried off by the veins, they are exhaled into the brain and at once commence a purer circulation, the purer parts of them being carried away towards the brain by the insensible, as it were, venous fibers. There are, moreover, those foods which are drawn from the air through the lungs, which fly at once into the brain; these are the purer foods of the brain. There are also those which are attracted by the imperceptible tunics of the whole body, and are carried up towards the brain, like the infants [see n. 1022. There are foods from the air, and foods from the ether; thus there are innumerable varieties. But those which are vexed by the urinary province, and the provinces of the colon and gall-bladder, take a longer time to act, because their gross things adhere so closely. 1748, Feb. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1035 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1035. Ita quoque se habent sicut alimenta seu cibi, qui in ventriculum ingeruntur, nam animae referunt ea quae in ventriculum mittuntur, ac ibi triturantur, quaedam sunt quae vexari debent ruditer in ventriculo, dein in intestinis; sunt aliae, quae in venas statim absorbentur, sic quae facile purificantur, sunt quae in lymphatica, sunt quae in primo ore antequam in ventriculum, auferuntur a venis, et exhalant in cerebrum, ac statim puriorem circulationem inchoant, puriores eorum sunt, qui per insensibiles fibras quasi venosas versus cerebrum auferuntur, sunt praeterea quae per pulmones, ex aere attractae illico in cerebrum volant, qui cibi sunt puriores cerebri, sunt quoque quae per insensibiles 1

tunicas totius corporis attrahuntur, et sic attolluntur versus cerebrum, ut infantes [vide 1022], sunt quae ex aere, sunt quae aethere, sic innumerabiles varietates sunt. At quae vexantur ab urinariis, et colicis, et felleis cystidis, ii longiorem moram agent, quia crassa eorum ita inhaerent. 1748, 26 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has insensiles

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