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《灵界经历》 第1062节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1062

1062. About those who constitute the province of the colon

As is known, the colon has a large extension. Likewise, those spirits who relate to the colon also cover quite a distance, but still in both quarters, that is, to the left, as said before [see 1003]. There are, however, those who are still more to the left, who are worse, and so it goes on toward hell. So the province of the colon extends to hell, or the hellish sewer, just as the colon extends to the rectum, which is [like] the hellish sewer.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1062


It is well known that the colon extends itself widely. Those who relate to the colon likewise extend to some distance, but still in either quarter, namely, at the left as said above. Those who are worse, however, are still further to the left; and so it continues to hell. Thus the province of the colon extends to hell, or to the infernal tun, as the colon extends to the rectum which is the infernal tun.

Experientiae Spirituales 1062 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1062. De iis qui constituunt provinciam coli

Notum est, quod colon se late extendat, ita quoque qui se ad colon referunt, similiter aliquantum distant, sed usque in utraque plaga, nempe ad sinistrum ut prius [cf. 1003], sunt autem qui adhuc magis ad sinistrum, qui sunt pejores, sic etiam pergit ad infernum, ita se colonis {a} provincia extendit ad infernum seu tonnam infernalem, sicut colon in intestinum rectum, quod est infernalis tonna.

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