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《灵界经历》 第1083节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1083

1083. On those who claim to be the Christ

There are those who claim to be Christ, as spoken of in the Gospels and Revelation [Matt. 24:5, 23-4; Mark 13:6, 21-2, Luke 21:8, cf. Rev. 19:20]. In the other life, these people are clearly marked, and in fact, by a flame that makes their cheek light up, so that at a distance there appears only a mouth, or fiery cheek, or flame. I have seen this and been told that it is such persons. No face was visible to me except a dark one, verging on blackness, and small. A cap or (mossa 1) of black [cloth] was wound around the head like the white headdress of the Turks. This cap (mossa) and the flame of the mouth identifies them for what they are in the other life. So spirits shun them, and they cannot be brought into the company of anyone, except their wicked like.


1. Swedish for "cap."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1083


There are some who profess to be the Christ, of whom mention is made in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse. In the other life these are manifestly distinguished by a flame with which their cheeks are enkindled, so that at a distance only the fiery or flaming mouth and cheeks appear. Such a one appeared to me, and it was said that these spirits have such an appearance. I did not see his face, except as something dusky, verging towards blackness; it was slight. A cap 1of black [cloth] was wound about the head like the white head-dress of the Turks. By this cap 1and by the flame around their mouth these spirits are recognized as such in the other life, wherefore spirits flee away from them. They cannot be associated with anyone, except with such as themselves or the wicked.


1. The word for "cap" in each place is the Latin pileus, and this is followed in parenthesis by the Swedish word mossa, meaning the same thing.

Experientiae Spirituales 1083 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1083. De iis qui se profitentur Christum esse

Sunt qui se profitentur Christum esse, de quibus in Evangelistis et Alpocalypsi [Matth. XXIV: 5, 23-24, 23-24; Marc. XIII: 6, 21-22, 21-22; Luc. XXI: 8; cf. Apoc. XIX: 20], ii in altera vita dignoscuntur manifeste, et quidem [per] 1

flammam, qua bucca eorum, ignescit, sic ut appareat ad distantiam solum os seu bucca ignea seu flamma, talis mihi visus est, et dictum quod tales sint, facies non mihi nisi obscura ad nigredinem vergens, exigua, visa est, pileus seu (mossa {a}) erat convoluta ex nigro, sicut solent Turcarum ex albo, ex pileo (mossa) isto, et ex flamma oris dignoscuntur, quod tales sint in altera vita, quare spiritus eos fugiunt, nec associari cuiquam possunt; nisi talibus, seu nefariis.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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