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《灵界经历》 第1084节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1084

1084. Those, however, who recognize such spirits as Christ, are distinguished from others also, both by their caps, which are black but square-shaped, flat on top, and also by their muscular body, naked to the waist, but black, as if darkened by sweat mixed with something black. Moreover, when they approach, they make with their hands circle-like motions over the other's head, as though they were sprinkling some kind of water.

In this way spirits are identified, for such is their appearance whenever they are revealed to others, who may then know from their looks alone, who they are and what they are like. 1748, 29 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1084

1084. Those, moreover, who acknowledge such spirits as Christ are also distinguished from others in the other life both by their caps, which are black, but of a square shape and a flat top, and also by their brawny body, naked to the loins, but black as if made dark from sweat with which something black has been mixed. Further, as they approach, they make, as it were, circles with their hands above the head of another, as if they were throwing some water over him. In this way these spirits are distinguished, for they appear in such forms as often as they are revealed to others, so that from their looks alone, who and of what quality they are may be known. 1748, Feb. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 1084 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1084. Ii autem qui tales agnoscunt pro Christo, distinguuntur in altera vita quoque ab aliis, tam per pileos, qui nigri sunt, sed quadratae formae, supra plani: ac praeterea per corpus eorum torosum nudum ad lumbos, sed nigrum sicut a sudore cui nigrum immixtum est, ita obscuratum, et praeterea cum accedunt, manu faciunt orbes quasi supra alterius caput, sicut quiddam aquae superinjicerent.

Ita distinguuntur spiritus, nam talibus apparent formis, quoties revelantur aliis, ut a solo aspectu sciant qui et quales sunt. 1748, 29 Febr.

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