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《灵界经历》 第1085节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1085

1085. Nothing from evil spirits can stream into heavenly societies,

or into heaven; but the spirits, on realizing this, flee away

I was in a certain heavenly society, but nevertheless among spirits. And during the time I was in that society, the communication of the spirits who had spoken with me earlier and whose operations were quite obviously streaming in, was then perceptibly dulled-so much so, that nothing of their operations could enter the field I was in. I plainly saw this. There was a kind of sluggish uncertainty when a spirit tried to pour in his powers by communication. On this account, the spirit even wept, saying that he was now able to accomplish nothing, and at the same time, he was indignant, and wanted to flee away.

So there cannot be [direct] communication of evil spirits with any heavenly society. Nevertheless, whenever it pleases the Lord, such communication is granted by means of spirits of an in-between character. 1748, 29 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1085


I was in a certain heavenly society, although still in the midst of spirits. During the time I was in that society the communication of the spirits who had been speaking with me before, and whose operations had been quite manifestly inflowing, was then perceptibly dulled, so that nothing of theirs could enter into the sphere in which I was. I manifestly perceived this. When a spirit wanted to infuse his communicative forces there was a smooth dullness, as it were. He therefore also lamented, saying, that now he could do nothing, and at the same time he was indignant. He wanted to flee away. Thus no communication of evil spirits with any heavenly society is possible; nevertheless, a like communication is granted by means of spirits of an intermediate disposition, as often as the Lord so pleases. 1748, Feb. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 1085 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1085. Quod nihil a spiritibus malis influere possit in coelestes societates, seu in coelum, sed quod spiritus dum id percipiunt, aufugiant

Eram in coelesti quadam societate, usque tamen mediis spiritibus, ac interea quando in ea societate eram, spirituum 1

qui mecum prius loquuti sunt, et quorum operationes satis manifeste influebant, tunc communicatio manifeste ita hebetata est, ut nihil eorum intrare posset in sphaeram, in qua eram, quod manifeste percipiebam, erat quasi lubrice hebetatum, cum vellet spiritus infundere suas vires communicativas, spiritus ideo quoque lamentatus est, dicens, quod nunc nihil possit efficere, ac simul indignatus, aufugere voluit; ita non dari potest communicatio spirituum malorum cum coelesti aliqua societate, sed usque quoties Domino ita beneplacet conceditur similis communicatio, per spiritus intermediae indolis. 1748, 29 Febr.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has spiritus

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