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《灵界经历》 第1086节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1086

1086. There are symbolic displays that cannot possibly be described in words

There are also symbolic displays, as well as branchings off of the displays into any other matter, or subject, that cannot possibly be described because they cannot be conceived of by the earthly mind. And when I thought of describing them in words-such as the things that happened to me last night, they were beyond my grasp. Yet at the time when they occur, they are so meaningful and striking, that one would think them just as understandable and expressible as earthly ones. But as soon as the mind awakens and concentrates upon them, one does not know at all what they were like, nor what they were.

This kind of displays occurs mainly in sleep, as well as just when one is waking up - at a time when the material imagery of objects of the senses are far removed from the mental processes. 1748, 29 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1086


There are also given representations and likewise derivations of representations in regard to all other things or objects which are such that they can never be described, because they cannot be conceived by the natural mind. Indeed, when I thought to describe them in words, as for instance, the things that happened to me last night, my grasp did not then comprehend them, although whilst they were taking place, they were so significative and real that it was allowed to suppose that they would be perceptible and expressible in the same manner as natural things. But as soon as the "animus" is awake and pays attention to them, man is altogether ignorant of what they were like, thus what they were. Such ideas exist especially in sleep and on first awakening, when the objects of the senses and material ideas are removed from intellectual ideas. 1748, Feb. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 1086 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1086. Quod sint repraesentationes, quae nusquam verbis describi possint

Dantur quoque tales repraesentationes, tum etiam derivationes repraesentationum in quamcunque aliam rem, seu objectum, quae nusquam possunt describi, quia mente naturali non possunt concipi; dumque cogitavi ea verbis describere, ut quae mihi contigerunt, praeterita nocte, tunce 1

nec captus ea comprehendit, sed usque dum existunt, tam significativae et exstantes sunt, ut arbitrari liceat 2

, esse similiter perceptibiles et effabiles, ac naturales, verum mox cum vigilat animus, iisque intendit, prorsus nescit, quales fuerint, ita quid fuerint; tales imprimis in somno, ac prima vigilia existunt, quando objecta sensuum ac ideae materiales remotae ab intellectualibus sunt. 1748, 29 Febr.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tunc

2. The Manuscript has lieat

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