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《灵界经历》 第1087节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1087

1087. About decorations resembling the rainbow

Decorations, seemingly heavenly, were also portrayed, in many colors. They were not just as those of the rainbow, yet they can be called rainbow-like. For they are heavenly arches, with color combinations. The colors blend and follow one into another, as those in the sky.

This is the origin of the decorations that appear before those who are in the heaven of upright spirits, being the variegations of their moods, or of their lower minds, so portrayed before those who are upright. So the varieties of such decorative displays are as numerous as are their moods - and are distinct from the decorations of the spiritual, spoken of elsewhere [see 711]. For these arches, fashioned in this way, are in the sky, stretching out overhead, while the spiritual ones appear on the walls. 1748, 29 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1087


There were also represented decorations which are, as it were, celestial. They are multi-colored, not as of a rainbow, but yet they can be called rainbow-like, for they are heavenly bows with colors variously joined together, which colors are conjoined and follow one another in a heavenly manner. Hence are the decorations which appear before those who are in the heaven of upright spirits, and they are the variegations of their "animi" or natural minds thus represented before those who are such, for which reason the variety of such representations or decorations are as many as there are "animi". These decorations are distinct from those of the spiritual, concerning which elsewhere [n. 711; for the celestial bows thus formed are extended upwards, but the spiritual appear on the walls. 1748, Feb. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 1087 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1087. De decoramentis iridis, seu irideis

Repraesentata sunt quoque decoramenta quasi coelestia, multicoloria, non sicut iridis, sed tamen iridea, possunt vocari, sunt enim coelestes arcus, cum coloribus varie junctis, qui coelesti modo sunt conjuncti, et succedunt, inde decoramenta, quae coram iis apparent, qui in coelo spirituum proborum sunt, suntque variegationes eorum animorum, seu mentium naturalium sic repraesentatae coram iis, qui tales sunt, quare varietas talium repraesentationum seu decoramentorum tot sunt, quot animi, distincta a decoramentis spiritualium, de quibus alias [cf. 711]; sunt enim arcus hi ita conformati coelestes, se extendunt supra, at spirituales apparent in parietibus. 1748, 29 Febr.

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