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《灵界经历》 第1088节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1088

1088. On Foresight and Providence

It is a fact beyond doubt that the Lord governs the universe, and this government is called Providence. But because evils are not provided, but foreseen, 1so also are permissions. But to make it understood how this matter stands: foresight pertains to evils, and providence is the disposal of evils toward good outcomes.

However, there is no such thing as chance, that is, evil happening by chance, but all evils are controlled in a way that not a single one of them is permitted to happen to a person on earth or to a soul that does not lead to good. Furthermore, nothing is permitted to happen that has not been foreseen, for otherwise it cannot happen. Consequently, all evils are bent in such a way that just those, and not any others, do happen, because it cannot be helped in view of the so corrupt state [of mankind].

So it is providence alone that governs, for foresight is thus turned into Providence, and then those evils are provided which result in good. If the evils planned by evil spirits were permitted, it would be to the destruction of mankind and of [departed] souls. Therefore the doings intended by the wicked are limited to the kind that have to be permitted. 1748, 29 February.


1. The Latin is, alliteratively, non provisa sunt, sed praevisa.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1088


It is an undoubtable fact that the Lord governs the Universe. This government is called Providence. But since evils, likewise permissions, are not provided but foreseen, in order to understand this [it must be known] that foresight relates to evils; Providence is the disposal of them to good ends. Nevertheless, there is no such thing as chance, that is, no evil happens by chance, but all evils are so governed that not one of them is permitted which is not conducive to good, both to man and soul. Moreover, nothing is permitted which has not thus been foreseen, for otherwise it could by no means happen; consequently, the various evils are so turned that certain ones, and not others occur, because it cannot be otherwise in a state so perverse. Thus it is Providence alone which governs, for foresight is thus turned into Providence, and in this way those evils are provided from which there may be good. For if the foreseen intentions of evil spirits were permitted it would lead to the destruction of man and of souls; wherefore the things intended by evil spirits are bent into such things as are to be permitted. 1748, Feb. 29.

Experientiae Spirituales 1088 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1088. De Praevidentia et Providentia

Indubitatum est, quod Dominus universum regat, regimen hoc dicitur Providentia, sed quia mala non provisa sunt, sed praevisa, similiter permissiones, sed ut intelligatur quomodo se habet, praevidentia est malorum, providentia est dispositio eorum ad fines bonos; sed usque tamen nullus datur casus, nempe quod malum accidat casu, sed ita omnia mala reguntur, ut nihil eorum permittatur, quod non conducit ad bonum, tam homini, quam animae, tum quoque nihil permittitur, quod non praevisum ita sit, quia aliter fieri nequit, proinde flectuntur omnia mala eo, ut ea fiant non alia, quia non aliter fieri potest, in statu tam perverso, ita providentia sola est, quae regit, nam praevidentia vertitur sic in Providentiam, et sic providentur talia mala ex quibus bonum; quia si praevisa malorum spirituum permitterentur, ad perniciem hominis et animarum foret, quare quae intenduntur a malis, flectuntur in talia, quae permittenda sunt. 1748, 29 Febr.

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