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《灵界经历》 第1092节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1092

1092. About the state of the dying, and of those being raised up from the dead

I was let this morning into the condition of those who are dying, so that I might know what their state of mind is while they die, and following their death. I was, of course, not dead, but came into a kind of unconsciousness as to bodily sensation, my inward life remaining intact, so that I could be aware of and retain in my memory what happens to those who are dying. For my breathing was not taken away, and as long as breathing remains, a person has sensation - and if it is the kind of breathing I had, has sensation from within, but not from the objects of the senses or from without.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1092


This morning I was let into the state of those who are dying, in order that I might know what their state is when dying, and what follows after death. I did not indeed die, but still I came into a state of a kind of insensibility as to the corporeal sense, the interior life remaining entire, so that I could thence perceive and retain in my memory the things that happen to those who die. For my respiration was not taken away, and so long as the respiration remains man sensates, and if his respiration is such as I had, the man sensates from internals, but not from the objects of the senses, or from externals.

Experientiae Spirituales 1092 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1092. De statu morientium, et resuscitatorum a morte

Missus sum hodie mane in statum illorum qui moriuntur, ut scirem, quis status eorum est dum moriuntur, et successive post mortem, non quidem mortuus eram, sed usque in statum insensibilitatis 1

cujusdam quoad corporeos sensus, interiore vita manente integra, ut inde percipere, et memoria retinere ea possem, quae accidunt iis qui moriuntur: respiratio enim non demta est, et quamdiu manet respiratio, tunc sentit homo, sique talis sit, qualem habui, sentit homo ab internis, non autem ab objectis sensuum, seu externis.


1. The Manuscript has insenbilitatis

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