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《灵界经历》 第1095节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1095

1095. The first state of the dying, therefore, is that I did not hear the spiritual or speaking [spirits] except as if I were far away from them. So there was almost no communication, or very little, with spirits, who at other times spoke with me. I did, of course, hear them, but in this way, almost without communicating. Nor did the spirits know otherwise (for I heard them talking) than that I had died and thus departed the life of the body. This happened to me, but the same does not happen to other dying people who are not, as I am, speaking with spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1095

1095. The first state of one who is dying, therefore, is such that I did not hear the spiritual, or those who were speaking, except in such a way that I was, as it were, removed from them. Thus there was almost no, or scarcely any, communication with the spirits who otherwise spoke with me, so that I indeed heard them, but I was, as it were, without communication with them. Nor did the spirits know otherwise than that I was dead, and thus removed from the life of the body, for I heard them speaking. This took place in my case, but the like does not happen to others who are dying, and who do not talk with spirits as I do.

Experientiae Spirituales 1095 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1095. Status itaque morientis primus est, quod non audirem spirituales, seu loquentes, nisi ita, ut quasi remotus ab iis, sic ut paene nulla aut exiguissima communicatio esset cum spiritibus, qui alioquin mecum loquuti sunt, sic ut quidem eos audirem, sed ita quasi absque communicatione; spiritus nec aliud sciebant, audivi enim eos loquentes, quam quod discesserim, sic quoque quod a vita corporis essem, hoc mihi eveniebat, sed aliis morientibus, qui non sunt sicut ego, loquentes cum spiritibus, simile non contingit.

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