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《灵界经历》 第1097节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1097

1097. It is characteristic of the heavenly [angels] to say nothing, but only to signal their thoughts, or what is within themselves by communicating with one's face. On it, they superinduce the same faces as they have, so that the person's face can feel the other faces upon it quite clearly, just as I twice felt another face induced upon me, and it was said in their own way of speaking that it was the faces of those heavenly ones seated at my head; so there were two faces. This is how they learn whether a person has died or not. For if their induced faces are recognized as theirs, then they know that the person is dead.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1097

1097. The celestial are such that they do not say anything, but at that time only signify their thoughts or interiors by communications with the face, on which they induce faces similar to their own, so that one can very clearly perceive in himself these other faces. On two occasions I perceived that another face was induced upon me, and it was said in their own way, that it was the face of the celestial who were seated at my head thus there were two faces. In this way they know whether the man is dead or not; for if their faces which have been induced are acknowledged as theirs, they then know that the man is dead.

Experientiae Spirituales 1097 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1097. Coelestes tales sunt, ut nihil loquantur, sed modo significant sua cogitata seu interiora per communicationes tunc cum facie, cui inducunt similes facies, quales ii habuerunt, sic ut in se alias facies satis manifeste percipere possit, sicut ego bis aliam in me faciem percipiebam, et dictum modo eorum, quod eorum facies esset, qui coelestes ad caput assistebant, ita binae facies erant; ita sciunt num homo mortuus sit, vel non, si enim eorum facies inductae agnoscuntur, tanquam eorum, tunc sciunt, quod homo mortuus.

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