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《灵界经历》 第1102节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1102

1102. It was said to me that the thoughts a person entertains at the point of death persist and are retained, namely, those that are holy and devout. This was also shown to me because of certain thoughts of mine which were retained in the same way. They ask especially, as I was told, about eternal life, but few about salvation or happiness. It is mainly eternal life that is kept in mind, and they are held in that thought by the heavenly [angels].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1102

1102. I was told that the thoughts which man entertains at the point of death, namely, those which are holy and pious, adhere and are retained. I was also shown this by certain things I had thought which were retained in like manner. Especially do they inquire about eternal life, as I was told, and few about salvation or happiness. The thought of eternal life is the chief thing which is retained, and they are held in that thought by the celestial.

Experientiae Spirituales 1102 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1102. Mihi dictum est, quod ea cogitata quae homo in puncto mortis teneant 1

, quod haereant, et detineantur, nempe quae sancta sunt, et pia, quod quoque mihi ostensum erat, per quaedam cogitata, quae tenebantur similiter: cumprimis quaerunt, ut mihi dicebant, vitam aeternam, sed pauci salutem, seu felicitatem, vita aeterna est praecipue quod tenetur, et in cujus cogitato a coelestibus tenentur.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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