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《灵界经历》 第1104节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1104

1104. Moreover, as soon as the inward parts of the body become cold, the vital substances in the person are separated from the person, wherever they are, even if enclosed within a thousand labyrinthine passages; for such is the working and power of the Lord's resurrection, that is, of His mercy, that it is nothing but an actual, powerful attraction. For the force of His mercy is its desire to draw all into eternal happiness, thus to Himself. This actual drawing force I also felt once so clearly that I can tell unequivocally that it exists, and also what it is like. Therefore, nothing of the vital substance in the bodily and material parts can remain, but must all be drawn out. For this purpose also, the heavenly beings are at once present with a dying person; for this task is accomplished by heavenly [angels], nor can an evil demon even come near at that time. 1748, 1 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1104

1104. Further, as soon as the interior corporeal things become cold, the vital substances in man are separated from him, wherever they may be, even though enclosed within a thousand labyrinths. For such is the efficacy and power of the Lord's resurrection, that is, of His mercy, that it is nothing else than a living and mighty attraction, since the power of His mercy is of such a nature that He wills to draw all men into eternal happiness, thus unto Himself. I have also on one occasion so manifestly felt such a living attraction that I can know with certainty that there is such a force, and what it is like. By reason of this force nothing of the vital substance can remain in corporeal and material things, but of necessity must be drawn forth. To that end, also, the celestial are immediately present with one dying, for it is effected by means of them; nor at such a time can an evil genius ever draw near. 1748, March 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 1104 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1104. Praeterea vitales substantiae in homine, utprimum frigescunt corporea interiora, separantur ab homine, ubicunque sunt, si vel inclusae mille labyrinthis, nam talis est efficacia et virtus resurrectionis Domini, hoc est Ipsius misericordiae, ut non aliter sit quam attractio viva et valida, nam vis ejus misericordiae est, ut omnes attrahere velit in felicitatem aeternam, sic ad Se, talem attractionem vivam quondam etiam sensi, tam manifeste, ut scire queam qualis sit, tum absque omni ambiguitate quod sit, ideoque nihil ex vitali substantia in corporeis et materialibus remanere potest, sed necessum est, ut educatur, ob eum finem etiam coelestes illico adsunt morienti, nam mediis coelestibus id fit, nec usquam tunc potest malus genius approximare. 1748, 1 Martius.

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