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《灵界经历》 第1105节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1105

1105. For quite a long time, several weeks, heavenly [angels] were present with me, occupying the region of my head. They did not speak, but were only thinking, which in fact they did so silently that I knew nothing of what they were thinking, except that they regarded all the fallacies, falsities, thus nonsense, of those who are spiritual as nothing - not at all ridiculing, but simply treating them as nothing, and remaining in their calm state of mind, yet all the while thinking.

They seldom speak, but still I was clearly aware of their presence-indeed, more clearly than I could possibly express. They even spoke with me just now, yet not as the spiritual [angels], but inwardly, without any sound. It is a language-if anyone can grasp this-like a speaking without the accompanying sound; and, in fact, they are now even speaking words, which rarely happens. This is a sign that they do actually begin to speak with souls after their death in this way, and do not abandon them, but stay close by them in the vicinity of the head.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1105

1105. For quite a considerable time - several weeks - the celestial have been present with me, occupying the region of my head. They have not spoken but only think, and this so tacitly that I did not know what they were thinking, except that they made all the fallacies and falsities of the spiritual to be of no account, thus ridiculous, not at all by scoffing at them, but as if by caring nothing for them and remaining in their own tranquil state. Although they think, they rarely spoke, but still I clearly observed their presence, indeed more clearly than can be expressed. Now also they have spoken with me but not as the spiritual speak, but inwardly, without sound. It is a speech, if any one can conceive it, like speech without its sound. And now they speak even by words, which they rarely do. It is an indication that in this manner they also begin to speak with souls after death, whom they do not desert, but remain closely attached to them as to the region of the head.

Experientiae Spirituales 1105 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1105. Per satis diutinum tempus, aliquot septimanarum coelestes apud me fuerunt, tenentes capitis mei regionem, nec loquuti, modo cogitantes, et quidem ita tacite, ut nihil scirem quid cogitarent, praeter quod nihili facerent omnes spiritualium fallacias, et falsitates, sic ludibria, ea nequaquam irridentes, sed tanquam nihili curantes, remanentes in suo statu tranquillo, usque semper cogitando; raro loquuntur, sed usque praesentiam eorum manifeste animadverti, imo ita ut manifestius quam ut id exprimi queat; nunc quoque mecum etiam loquuti sunt, sed non sicut spirituales, sed intus absque sonoro, est loquela, si id capere quis possit, sicut loquela absque sonoro suo, et quidem nunc per voces usque, quod raro, indicium, quod sic etiam incipiant loqui cum animabus post mortem, quas non deserunt, sed arte iis quoad regionem capitis adhaerent.

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