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《灵界经历》 第1106节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1106

1106. When the time has come when they must be brought into the company of the spiritual, and live a life like their bodily life, then for the first time, spirits come who attend the province of the outer part of the eye, or of the tunics that wrap around the eye. In fact, they are located between the left eye and the upper side of the nose, and seem to try to roll away the tunics or coverings from the eye, to cause it to see. This is a sign that the soul is about to come among the spiritual.

These same spirits were also with me, and showed how they roll off the tunics so that the eye appears, but because I was alive, they tried, but could not. And so, when the membranes have been rolled off, the soul is granted the use of light.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1106

1106. When the time is at hand for the spiritual to be associated with them, and they are to live, as it were, the life of the body, then at first come the spirits who are present in the province of the external eye, or of the tunics which envelop the eye, which are between the left eye and the side of the nose, above. These want to roll away, as it were, the tunics or coverings from the eye and enable him to see, which is a sign that the soul is then about to come among the spiritual. These same spirits were also present and showed me how they roll away the tunics that the eye may be opened, but because I was alive they were unable to do this by their endeavor. When the membranes have been rolled away the enjoyment of light is granted.

Experientiae Spirituales 1106 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1106. Dum tempus instat, quum spiritualibus 1

adsociandi et victuri sint quasi vitam corporis, tunc spiritus primum veniunt, qui [ad] provinciam oculi externi, seu tunicarum, quae involvunt oculum, adsunt, et quidem qui inter oculum sinistrum et latus nasi, superius, ii quasi devolvere volunt tunicas seu tegumenta ab oculo, et facere ut videat, quod est indicium, tunc animam inter spirituales venturam; spiritus iidem quoque aderant, et ostendebant quomodo devolvant tunicas ut pateat oculus, sed quia vivus eram non poterant suo conatu, devolutis itaque membranis, lucis usura conceditur.


1. The Manuscript has spirituabus

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