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《灵界经历》 第1115节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1115

1115. Continuation on the state of the dying

When the spirits belonging to the province of the eye, who are good, have seemed to roll off the little membranes of the eye toward the narrow part of the nose [1106], then something shining appears to the soul, but dimly, as when a person while first waking up, looking through his eyelids, sees a kind of brightness. Nevertheless, he now lies in a state like that between waking and sleeping because he is guarded by the heavenly [angels]. So he is in a calm state of mind, because their state is a calm one. When there is this looking, as if through the eyelids, there appears something shady, of a heavenly color, with a little star; but this occurs in various ways.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1115


When the good spirits who are of the province of the eye seem to themselves to roll off the little membranes of the eye towards the septum of the nose, there then appears to the soul a kind of light, but obscure, as when man on first waking looks through his eyelids and sees a certain luminosity. But the soul still lies in a state as if between wakefulness and sleep because he is guarded by the celestial, thus he is in a tranquil state, for the state of the celestial is a tranquil one. When there is this looking as though through the membrane of the eye, there appears something shady, of a heavenly color, with a little star; but these things occur with variety.

Experientiae Spirituales 1115 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1115. Continuatio de statu morientium

Quum spiritus qui sunt provinciae oculi, qui boni sunt, evolvere sibi visi membranulas oculi versus septum nasi [1106], tunc animae apparet quoddam lucidum, sed obscurum, quasi dum homo in prima vigilia per palpebras spectat quoddam luminosum spectat; sed usque tunc quasi in statu medio inter vigiliam somnum jacet, quia a coelestibus custoditur, sic in tranquillo statu, nam eorum status est tranquillus; tunc sicut per membranam oculi spectatur, apparet umbrosum quoddam coloris coelestis, cum stellula; sed haec cum varietate.

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