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《灵界经历》 第1116节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1116

1116. Afterwards, just as something seemed to be gently rolled off of the eye, in the same way something is rolled from off the face, meaning that the soul is shedding [earthly] humanity. This is done so gently, that the very same spirits, who are now present here, are keeping me with all their might from using any hurtful word, showing that they are fearful lest at this time anything be felt but what is very gentle. For they love everyone they are with, and thus every soul they attend.

So, when it looks and feels to the subject as if the facial membrane has been rolled off, then the realization of being a spirit is brought upon him or her-as it also was to me [on this occasion], and several times before.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1116

1116. Afterwards something appears to the soul to be softly rolled from off the face also, in the same manner as hid been done from off the eye, so that he may put off what is human. But these things are done so softly that these same spirits who are now here present restrain me by every effort lest I should use any hurtful expression - a sign that they are afraid lest anything except that which is most soft should be felt, for they love everyone with whom they are present, thus every soul whom they assist. The membrane having thus been, as it were, rolled from off the face, according to the appearance and sensation of the subject, there is then induced upon him the perception that he is a spirit, as has also been induced upon me [now], and on several former occasions.

Experientiae Spirituales 1116 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1116. Postea similiter ac ab oculo molliter etiam a facie apparet ei evolvi quoddam, ut nempe humanum exuat, sed haec tam molliter, ut spiritus iidem qui hic nunc adstant, arcent me cum omni opera, ne utar aliqua voce laesionis, signum quod tunc timeant, ne quicquam aliter sentiatur quam molliusculum, nam amant unumquemvis cui adsunt, ita animae cuivis {a}, cui adsistunt; sic evolutum quasi membranum faciei secundum apparentiam, et sensum subjecti, tunc inducitur ei perceptio, quod sit spiritus; sicut etiam mihi inductum est, et aliquoties prius.

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