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《灵界经历》 第1118节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1118

1118. Soon a spiritual life ensues, meaning that the soul is welcomed by spirits into their society-first by good spirits. This was depicted to me by a young person seated on a horse, but the horse's head was facing the zones of hell, where [the rider] was trying to guide the horse, but could not move it a step-in spite of every effort being kept in place. This symbolized the fact that this soul at that time, if the reasoning mind were given reins, would rush straight toward hell, and is therefore kept in place, and reined in. A young person was portrayed because the soul at that time seems to have regained the flower of youth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1118

1118. Presently this is succeeded by spiritual life, that is, the soul is received by spirits, at first by good spirits, into their society. This was represented to me by a young man sitting upon a horse, with the horse's head turned towards the quarters of hell, whither he desired to direct it, but however much he desired, the horse could not move a step; it was held in that place. This signifies that if the reins were then given to the understanding or reasonings of the soul, he would rush straight towards hell, wherefore he is held in that place and restrained. A young man is represented because the soul then seems to himself to be as if in the flower of his youth.

Experientiae Spirituales 1118 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1118. Mox succedit vita spiritualis, nempe excipitur a spiritibus in eorum societatem, primum bonis, quod repraesentatum est mihi per juvenem insidentem equo, sed equi caput erat versus plagas inferni, quo cupiebat equum dirigere, sed non potuit passum movere; utcunque cupiebat, in loco tenebatur, quo significatur, quod si tunc habenae intellectui seu ratiociniis ejus darentur, quod rueret recta versus infernum, quare in loco tenetur, et refraenatur; juvenis repraesentatur, quia tunc quasi in flore juventutis esse sibi videtur.

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