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《灵界经历》 第1119节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1119

1119. Then, unable to move the horse out of its place, the next phase of the soul's life was depicted to me by this young person dismounting the horse and going by foot, and in fact, toward the place where I was-symbolizing the acquisition then of enlightened knowledge of truth and good so as to know what is true and what is good, which is imparted in various ways; for when such souls are about to undergo punishments, they should be aware, from a knowledge of what is true and good, what they themselves are like, and what kind of a life they have led.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1119

1119. When he cannot move the horse from its place, his succeeding life was then represented to me by his descending from the horse and going on foot, and indeed towards the place where I was. This signified that he is thus imbued with cognitions of truth and good in order that he may know what truth is and what good is. He is instructed in this way, and this with variety, for since he is about to undergo punishments, he ought to know from the cognition of truth and good of what quality he is, and the kind of life he has lived.

Experientiae Spirituales 1119 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1119. Dein cum non potest equum e loco movere, vita sequens repraesentata mihi est per id quod descenderit ex equo, et pedibus iret, et quidem versus locum, ubi eram, quo significabatur, quod sic cognitionibus veri et boni imbuatur, ut sciat quid verum et quid bonum, sic instruitur, idque varie, dum enim punitiones subiturus, scire debet, ex cognitione veri et boni, qualis sit, et qualem vitam vixerit.

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