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《灵界经历》 第1145节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1145

1145. Moreover, I spoke with them [see 1141-1142], because they were wearying me [with objections] because I was writing on the subject of inward and admittedly unfamiliar matters, such as philosophical ones relating to the inward organic parts of the human body. These matters being such as they are, and it is the truth, therefore one must not be silent about them simply because there is hardly one in a thousand who understands them - for instance, all that I saw and heard today about the chyle reservoir. Since this is how things are, and since it cannot be clear what the condition of spirits and angels is without knowing about them, these circumstances must not be left untold.

For there are people who understand and love these things, and there are those who assent to them even though they do not understand them, who see them supporting universal truths. These things have therefore been written for such people only, not for others.

To this I can testify, that the angels so exquisitely understand these [inward] matters, which I have sought to support by anatomical and philo-

1145. 1/2. sophical truths, that on the basis of conditions in heaven, they fully recognized and grasped that such things exist in the human body. Indeed, they grasp countless more particulars, which, if written down, no one of those living in the body would be capable of understanding. For the angels penetrate to the very least points and see whether they are true, as I can testify from clear experience. These subjects that are so complicated for human minds, to them are common knowledge, child's play as they call them, surprised they do not fall within everyone's grasp, as they now dictate, for they are guiding my thought to writing these words.

Moreover, the conditions of spirits and angels in all their variations cannot possibly be understood without a deep knowledge of the human body; for the Kingdom of the Lord is an image of the Human Being. And without this Kingdom, which is likened to the true Human being, because the Lord Alone is Human, and is His Kingdom, no person could live at all. For all things in heaven conspire toward the conservation of the least things in the body. This can be clearly demonstrated. And if you wish, you will hear even deeper secrets:

1145. 1:3.

if there were not incalculably many worlds or planets, which go together to make up this Human being, the souls of one world or planet would never be enough; because there must be limitlessly many varieties, and in each part of it there must be innumerable souls to establish it. 1748, 3 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1145

1145. Moreover, I have spoken with these spirits who affected me with weariness, for the reason that I was treating concerning interior and indeed unknown things such as philosophical matters, also those which concern the interior viscera of the human body. Because these matters are such, and they are true, they should not therefore be passed over in silence, although there is scarcely one in a thousand who understands them as, for instance, the things which I saw and heard today concerning the receptaculum chyli. But since this is the case, and the state of spirits and angels cannot be laid open in any other way, it is therefore not to be kept silent; for there are some who perceive and love such things, and there are others who admit them although they do not understand, but see that they confirm universal truths; wherefore these things are written for them alone, not for others. For I can testify that the angels so exquisitely understand things of this kind, for which confirmation is sought from anatomical and philosophical truths,

1145 1/2. that they fully knew and perceived from the things which are in heaven that they are such in the human body. Yea, they perceived innumerably more things which, if they were written, no man living in the body would be capable of understanding; for the angels exquisitely perceive whether the single details are true or not, as I can testify from manifest experience. These things which are so intricate to human minds are general matters to them, and as they say childish, and they wonder that they do not fall within every one's apprehension, as they now dictate, for they are leading my thought to write these things. Moreover, the states of spirits and angels with all their varieties can never be apprehended without a knowledge of the human body, for the Kingdom of the Lord is the likeness of a man, and without such a Kingdom which is truly like a man, because the Lord is the Only Man and He is His Kingdom no man can ever live; for all things in heaven conspire to the conservation of the single things in the body, as can be manifestly demonstrated. And if you wish, you shall hear still deeper arcana.

1145 1/3. Unless there were innumerable worlds or planets which together constitute such a Man, the souls from one world or planet would by no means be sufficient; for there must be indefinite varieties, and in every single part there must be innumerable souls who must establish that Man. 1748, Mar. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 1145 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1145. Praeterea cum iis [vide 1141-1142] loquutus sum-quia 1

taedio me affecerunt ideo 2

quia interiora et quidem incognita tractarem, sicut philosophica, ac ea quae corporis humani interiora viscera attinent 3

, et quia res se taliter habet, ac verum est-quod 4

ideo non reticendum quia 5

vix inter millia unus sit qui intelligat, sicut quae hodie de cisterna chyli mihi visa et audita 6

; sed cum ita se res habeat, nec aliter patescere potest, qualis tatus sit spirituum et angelorum, ideo non id reticendum, sunt enim qui talia percipiunt et amant, et sunt qui admittunt, quamvis non intelligunt, qui vident ea confirmare universales veritates, quare talia iis solum scripta sunt, non aliis, nam id contestari possum, quod angeli, ea quae talia sunt, et quorum confirmatio ab anatomicis et veritatibus philosophicis petita est 7

, tam exquisite intelligant, ut prorsus cognoverint, seu perceperint, quod talia sint in corpore humano, ex iis quae sunt in coelo-imo 8

innumerabilia plura, quae si scriberentur, nullus hominum in corpore viventium capax foret intelligendi-nam 9

exquisite singula momenta percipiunt, num vera; quod experientia manifesta possum testari; haec quae tam intricata sunt mentibus humanis, iis sunt communia, et ut vocant puerilia, ac mirantur, quod ea non sub cujusvis captum cadant, sicut ii nunc dictant, nam ducunt cogitationem meam ad haec scribenda. Praeterea status spirituum et angelorum, cum omni varietate eorum, nequicquam capi possunt, absque cognitione corporis humani, nam Regnum Domini est Hominis instar, et absque tali Regno, quod assimilatur Homini vero, quia Dominus est Solus Homo, ac Regnum Suum, nusquam aliquis homo vivere potest, nam omnia in coelo conspirant ad singulorum in corpore conservationem, ut manifeste demonstrari potest, et si adhuc velis arcaniora audies, nisi innumerabiles mundi seu tellures forent, qui simul talem Hominem constituerent, nequaquam sufficerent animae unius mundi seu telluris, quia varietates erunt indefinitae, et in quacunque parte erunt innumeri, qui confirmabunt. 1748, 3 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has sum, quia

2. The Manuscript has affecerunt, ideo

3. The Manuscript has attinet

4. The Manuscript has est, quod

5. The Manuscript has reticendum, quia

6. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has visum et auditum

7. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has sunt

8. The Manuscript has coelo, imo

9. The Manuscript has intelligendi, nam

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