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《灵界经历》 第1146节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1146

1146. About angelic language

Although angels do not manifest themselves to mankind by means of speech, nevertheless, so that I might understand how they, like we, express their thoughts in language and conversation, I have heard them speaking. However, I was then transferred into a state not unlike that of good spirits, so that I would realize that angels spoke through them, but in agreement with their ways of thinking.

Their talking is quick, flowing smoothly like water, and while consisting in words, these are as if uninterrupted, or rather, in continuous mental images, like a stream of thought that comes down into words with me, but quickly. In short, it is like a river of mental imagery to which the words correspond but do not adhere. When I answered, I noticed that my own speaking was broken and disconnected by the words, having a different sound [than theirs], not flowing, and so, not heavenly. Consequently, I at once stood out as not being like them.

Therefore, articulated angelic speech is the sense that simultaneously fills the words, in those [matters] which words are inadequate to express. 1748, 3 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1146


Although angels do not manifest themselves to man by means of speech, still in order that I might perceive how they express their thoughts even by speech and discourse, I have heard them talking, being at the time transmitted into a state not unlike that of good spirits, so that I might perceive that the angels were speaking through the good spirits and according to their meanings. Their speech is quick, flowing like smooth water. There are words, indeed, but they are, as it were, continuous, or rather, the ideas are continued like a stream in which is the thought which quickly falls into words with me. In short, there is, as it were, a stream of ideas to which the words correspond, but they do not adhere to them. When I answered, I observed that my speech was broken, that is, divided by the words and of another sound, not fluent, thus not heavenly; wherefore I was at once distinguished from them because I was not such as they were. Thus angelic discourse, when spoken, is the infilling sense of the words taken together, in those cases in which the words do not suffice. 1748, Mar. 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 1146 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1146. De loquela angelica

Tametsi angeli per loquelam se non manifestant homini, usque tamen, ut perciperem, quomodo illi cogitationes suas etiam in loquela seu sermone exprimant, audivi eos loquentes, sed usque tunc in statum non absimilem statui spirituum bonorum, transmissus, sic ut perciperem quod angeli per eos loquerentur, sed secundum eorum sensa; sermo eorum est citus, fluens instar aquae mollis, et quidem sunt voces, sed quasi continuae, sunt potius ideae continuatae instar fluvii, in quibus cogitatio est, quae in voces penes me, sed cito, labitur; verbo, est sicut fluvius idearum, quibus voces correspondent, sed eae nihil haerent, quumque responderem, animadverti, quod loquela mea esset rupta seu contigua vocibus, alius soni, non fluens, ita non coelestis, quare ab iis statim distinguebar, quod non talis essem: sic sermo enuntiatus angelicus, est sensus vocum implens simul, in quibus voces non sufficiunt. 1748, 3 Martius.

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