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《灵界经历》 第1152节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1152

1152. This spirit was then called forth out of me to my right side, but he was not readily visible, and made no reply. He was being accused by others of having been a robber. Meanwhile some spirits occupied my head, but he did not answer at all. Later he flew out from under my cap (mossa 1), then for a moment again stood at my right, then my left. Because he was being accused of robbery and made no reply, besides behaving in an inconspicuous manner, I cannot think otherwise than that he had been such a person-someone who tried to conceal himself.


1. Swedish for "cap."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1152

1152. This spirit having been called forth by me to the right side was accused by others of having been a robber, but he was inconspicuous, and made no reply. In the meantime certain spirits also occupied my head. But that spirit answered nothing. Afterwards he flew from beneath my cap, and then stood for a little at the right side but presently at the left. Because this spirit was accused of robbery and made no reply, besides the fact that he was acting in an inconspicuous manner, I could know no otherwise than that he had been of such a nature and wanted to hide himself.

Experientiae Spirituales 1152 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1152. Hic spiritus evocatus sic ex 1

me ad dextrum latus, sed inconspicuus erat, nec quicquam respondebat, accusabatur ab aliis quod latro fuit, interea quidam spiritus etiam caput meum tenebant, sed is nihil respondebat; postea sub pileum (mossa {a}) evolabat, tum quoque ad dextrum latus paululum stetit, mox ad sinistrum; qui quia accusabatur latrocinii, et is nihil respondebat, praeterquam quod inconspicuo modo agebat, non aliter scire possum, quam quod talis fuerit, qui se occultare vellet.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition a

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