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《灵界经历》 第1153节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1153

1153. Moreover, I was told that at the slightest provocation or whim, they are very daring, and at the slightest danger, very fearful. I plainly saw that this spirit was very much afraid, and that out of fear, 1he was being compelled to admit something. To confess from fear is to say everything the other spirits order.

Now again he is at my side, trying to steal away my memory of things.


1. The original has non ex timore, where the non was to have been deleted. This is confirmed by the index at Dolus, where it is said: "he was not easy to examine, for he spoke whatever the spirits told him to say."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1153

1153. Moreover, it was said to me, that such are most courageous when there is the least occasion of success, and at the least danger they are the most timid; for I manifestly perceived that this spirit was exceedingly timid, and that he would not be compelled to confess anything from fear; to confess from fear, is to confess all the things that other spirits order. He is now also at my side and is endeavoring to steal away my memory of things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1153 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1153. Praeterea dictum mihi, quod tales ad minimum occasionis seu nutus animosissimi sint, et ad minimum periculi sint timidissimi, nam manifeste percepi quod valde timidus esset, et quod non ex timore aliquid fateri cogeretur, ex timore fateri, est omnia quaecunque alii spiritus jubent: nunc quoque ad latus meum est, et conatur surripere memoriam rerum.

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