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《灵界经历》 第1154节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1154

1154. Such spirits actually have charge over the urinary canal, and over the entire function of urination. That spirits are assigned to that duty, I was taught by an experience lasting several days, as well as by the effect of their withdrawing, when the emission of urine entirely stopped. And when these spirits tensed [the sphincter, 867], then they indignantly repeated the action, which seemed to me to be dangerous for the neck of the bladder. These workings were made so plain to me that there can be no doubt. Others cannot feel them, for reasons spoken of elsewhere [1145-45 1/2].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1154

1154. Such spirits preside over the urinary bladder, indeed over its function when the urine is to be ejected. That spirits are assigned to that office, I have been instructed by experience for some days, and also from the effect, for when these spirits withdrew themselves the emission of the urine ceased entirely, and when it was directed by them, also when they were indignant, they turned themselves round, which seemed to me to be attended with danger to the neck of the bladder. These things were made so manifest to me that there can be no doubt. Others are quite unable to feel this for reasons set forth elsewhere [n. 1145.

Experientiae Spirituales 1154 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1154. Tales usque praesunt vesicae urinariae, et quidem functioni, dum urina ejicienda; quod spiritus sint addicati isti muneri, per experientiam aliquot 1

dierum instructus sum, tum ex effectu, dum ii se retraherent, et urinae emissio prorsus sisteretur, et quum intenderetur per tales spiritus, tunc cum indignati, se revolverent, quod mihi visum cum discrimine verticis vesicae, haec tam manifesta mihi facta sunt, ut non de eo dubitare queant 2

; alii id nequeunt sentire, ex causis de quibus alibi [1145-45a].


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has aliquo

2. sic Manuscript forte pro queam

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