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《灵界经历》 第1155节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1155

1155. All this leads me to conclude that this person had been a robber during his life, and indeed, a busy one, practiced in concealment, now escaping to the right side, now to the head. For if robbers are not wily, they are not robbers for long. He also now admits this, so it is corroborated. He is present in the region of my left temple.

His function is urination. This appears from indications at that time and now, for he works into the bladder, even though he does not like to.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1155

1155. From all this I can conclude that this spirit was a robber in the life of the body, and indeed an assiduous one, for he was clever in concealing himself and also in fleeing away to the right side, then towards the head; for unless robbers are cunning they are not robbers for long. He now admits the fact, hence I was confirmed. He is present at the region of the left temple. That his function is the emission of the urine is plain from indications at the time and at present, for he acts upon the bladder, even though he is unwilling.

Experientiae Spirituales 1155 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1155. Ex his concludere possum, quod talis esset latro in vita corporis, et quidem industrius, nam calluit se occultare, et tam effugere ad dextrum latus, tum {a} versus caput, nam nisi latrones versuti sunt, non sunt latrones diu, hoc quoque idem nunc affirmat, inde confirmatur, et 3

adest ad regionem temporis sinistri.

Quod functio ejus sit urinae emissio, etiam ex signis tunc et nunc patet, nam agit in vesicam, tametsi non vult.


3. The Manuscript has ad

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