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《灵界经历》 第1156节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1156

1156. Besides these there are other robbers not so busy, such as those who are of the disposition that they want to commit robbery and therefore attach themselves to the busy ones. One of this sort was later shown to me, at my right side, below the arm. He did not say anything at all, but only grated his teeth, as plainly as when a person on earth grates his teeth with an offensive sound. This he did for a while, so audibly that I thought it was something else making the sound, and I looked for it. He also appeared at the left side, not far from the ear. It is such spirits who are in charge of liquid wastes, or the urine.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1156

1156. Moreover, there are other robbers who are not as assiduous as are those who are possessed with such a disposition that they want to rob, and so they associate themselves with the active robbers. One of this sort was afterwards shown me at the right side beneath the arm. He did not say anything whatever, but only gnashed with his teeth, as manifestly as a man does, which was heard as a horrid sound, and this for so long a time, and so plainly, that I supposed that it was something else that was making the sound; and I inquired. He also was with those at the left side, not far from the ear. Such, therefore, are those who preside over liquid or urinous excrements.

Experientiae Spirituales 1156 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1156. Praeterea alii latrones non ita industrii [sunt], sicut qui animo isto praediti sunt, ut latrocinari velint, seque sic industriis associant, unus talium mihi postea ostensus est, et quidem ad dextrum latus infra brachium, is nec quicquam loquebatur sed modo frendebat dentibus manifeste, sicut qui frendet dentibus homo, quod ut tetrum auditur, et hoc diu satis, et tam manifeste, ut putarem aliquid esse quod ita sonaret, et inquirerem; is quoque erat apud sinistrum latus non procul ab aure, tales itaque praesunt excrementis liquidis seu urinis.

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