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《灵界经历》 第1157节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1157

1157. I was also shown how the face of these spirits looks. It was not a face at all, but only a dark, black-bearded something, so there was nothing except a black, entirely untrimmed beard. One who appears like this is a robber.

At the same time, their rows of teeth were shown to me. A kind of skin being lifted at the mouth, there were rows of teeth on both sides. So the inward parts of their face were only teeth, of an ivory color-just teeth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1157

1157. The countenance of such spirits was also shown me. It was not a face but only an obscure, black-bearded something, so that there was nothing whatever but a black, untrimmed beard. He who is such is a robber. There was also shown me at the same time their grates of teeth. When a kind of skin had been raised, as it were, from the mouth, there were the grates of teeth on either side, so that the interiors of their face were nothing but teeth, which were like ivory; thus there were only teeth.

Experientiae Spirituales 1157 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1157. Ostensus est quoque talium vultus, nempe erat non facies, sed modo obscurum quid, barbatum nigre, sic ut praeter nigram intonsam plane barbam nihil: qui talis est latro.

Simul quoque dentium eorum crates mihi ostensa, tunc ore quasi cute quadam elevata, erat dentium crates utrinque, sic ut interiora faciei eorum solum essent dentes, qui eburnei erant, sic modo dentes.

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