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《灵界经历》 第1159节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1159

1159. The same one is working into both my eyes and bringing out a pungent, urine-like liquid into both eyes. If they had not stopped, I would not have been able to see, or write, for the pain. So wherever they are, they arouse urine-like humors, just as now, because he is overhead, a urinous liquid is flowing into my eyes.

So these spirits are charged with the gathering of urine, and it follows from this that above all other liquids, they love foul and fetid urine, and live in urinous places. Thus they are spirits of hell belonging to the class of the spiritual and love to live in such places as, for example, urinous swamps; while the hellish ones who constitute the province of the colon love excrement, and like to dwell where it is.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1159

1159. That same spirit is acting upon both my eyes and exciting, as it were, a kind of pungent or urinous liquid in them, so that unless he had been interrupted, I would have been unable to see or write on account of the pain. Thus wherever they are they excite urinous humours, as this spirit is now doing over my head; whence such a urinous liquid inflows into my eyes. Therefore, they preside over the collection of the urine, from which it follows that they love foul and feculent urine above all other liquids, and dwell in similar things. Thus they are infernals pertaining to the class of the spiritual, who love to live in like things and also in urinous pools, as the infernals who constitute the province of the rectum love ordure and desire to live in such things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1159 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1159. Idem quoque agit in utrumque oculum meum, et evocat quasi quoddam liquidum punctorium seu urinosum in utrumque oculum, ut nisi intermitteretur non potuissem pro dolore inde videre, et scribere, ita ubi sunt, excitant humores urinosos, sicut nunc est super caput, inde tale urinosum influit in oculos, ita collectioni urinae praesunt, quare sequitur, quod ament, prae omnibus aliis liquidis, urinam, tetram et faeculentam, et in similibus habitent, ita sunt infernales qui pertinent ad classem spiritualium, amantque in similibus viiere, sicut quoque in stagnis urinosis, sicut infernales, qui provinciam intestini recti constituunt, amant fimum, ac in talibus vivere cupiunt.

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