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《灵界经历》 第1171节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1171

1171. But a person is known by the purpose he had in bodily life, whether it be snobbery or profit-making. But I heard that [in this case] it was especially sensual pleasure for which he had applied himself to this activity, that is, of being able to know almost instinctively what was on all other people's minds, turning to them and flatteringly joining in with them to win their affection.

Spirits of this kind, because the purpose they had in view was not as bad as the others [mentioned above], are able to be among good spirits. It is different when this is done out of self-love and love of the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1171

1171. The quality of a man is recognized from the end he has in view during his life in the body, whether it be for the sake of pride or of gain. I heard that it was especially for the sake of pleasure that this spirit had applied himself with such industry, so that he might know the minds [animus] of all as if from instinct, and thus in a word from himself, and might by flattery insinuate himself so as to be loved by them. Because such spirits have not had such an evil end in view as others they can also be among good spirits; but it is otherwise when they have acted from the love of self and the love of the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 1171 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1171. Sed quia ex fine vitae in corpore cognoscitur qualis homo, num fastus aut lucri causa-sed 1

audivi, quod imprimis voluptatis causa-se 2

applicuerit tali industriae, nempe ut omnium animos scire quasi ex instinctu potuisset, et sic se vertere, et assentiendo se iis associare, ut ab iis amaretur, tales spiritus, quia non finem ita malum, ac alii, spectarunt, possunt quoque inter bonos spiritus esse, aliter dum ex amore sui et amore mundi.


1. The Manuscript has causa, sed

2. The Manuscript has causa, se

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